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MEETINGS :, MEETING 2, Minute, Category Of Meeting, MEETING 3, S. 297
SHARP V DAWES (1876): An assembly of people for a lawful purpose or the coming together of at least two persons for a lawful purpose
General Rule: Meeting usually consists of two or more person
Re Sanitary Carbon Co 1877- One shareholder held proxies of all is invalid
Re Salvage Engineers Limited (1950- 1985)-O
One man meeting did not constitute a quorum
One Man Meeting
- One person attending the
meeting can however constitute a valid meeting in
exceptional circumstances
Class Meeting - where one person held all the shares of a particular class, eg: preference share - East
ii. Board Meeting/ Committee Meeting- where the directors have fixed a quorum of one (power to fix is given by the 3rd Schedule of CA2016.
iii. Meeting convened by the Court- Section 314- where the court may direct - Foo Tong Eng v Poh Gun
Meeting of a wholly owned subsidiary attended by a
corporate representative – Sec 6, Sec 333
The Companies Act 2016 provides the following guidelines
for meetings:
:check:Removing the mandatory requirements for private
companies to hold the AGM.
:check: Simplifying and clarify the rules relating to meeting
:check: Liberalising the modes of voting during general meeting through the recognition of best practices
:check: Reducing the required threshold for the purpose of
convening / requisitioning of general meetings. :
Form and Method of Giving Notice
Sec 319 (1): Notice of a meeting of members shall be in writing and shall be given to
the members either in:
:check:hard copy;
:check:in electronic form
:check: partly in hard copy and partly in electronic form.
BMLR Para 7.15: Notices of meetings of Listed Companies :check:advertisement in at least 1 nationally circulated Bahasa Malaysia or English daily
newspaper and in writing to each stock exchange upon which the company is listed.
Validity of the Notice
:star:A meeting must be properly convened, and giving proper notice is a
fundamental requisite for a valid meeting
:star:No meeting shall be valid if the notice of meeting is invalid
:star:A notice needs to be issued with proper authority
Right to requisition a meeting :check:Shareholders have a right to requisition a meeting in good faith and for a proper purpose. :check:Directors of a company have to convene a meeting that has been requisitioned by members. :check:Sec 311 stipulates the power of members to require directors to convene meetings of
The Convening Authority
:star: Meeting convened by directors – Sec 310 (1)
:star: Meeting convened by members holding at least 10%of the issued share capital of a company or a lower percentage as specified in
the constitution or if the company has no share capital, by at least 5% in the number of the members.
:star: Meeting requisitioned by members – sec 311
:star: Meeting convened by court – sec 314
:star: A meeting summoned without authority is invalid: Re State of Wyoming Syndicate (1901)
Service of Notice
:check: Notice must be given to members in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the constitution – i.e. Sec 321. :check:If the constitution is silent as to who is entitled to the notice, the notice shall be
served to every member having right to attend and vote.
:check:Sec 316 (6) - accidental omission to give notice to or the non receipt of the notice
by member shall not invalidate the meeting.
Place of meeting
:star: A company may convene a meeting of members at more than one venue using any technology or method that enables the members of the company to participate and to exercise the members’ rights to speak and vote at the meeting
:star: The main venue of the meeting shall be in Malaysia and the chairperson shall be present
at that main venue of the meeting
the chairman's copy of the agenda paper- chairman is supply with more detail than copies issued to those attend the meeting
Corporate Representative
Section 333 - appointed by the directors of the company through directors’ resolution authorise such person
Section 333(5)Certificate under the corporation’s seal shall be the prima facie evidence of the appointment
Section 333(3) Corporation is allowed to appoint more than one person to become its corporate representative
CR entitled to exercise the same power on behalf of the corporation as if the corporation could exercise
No proxy form is required to be executed for the appointment but Required to inform the company of the appointment.
Appointment of proxy can be done by:
- Section 334(2) the document appointing the proxy (proxy form)
- the person as authorised by the proxy form to act for the appointer to attend and vote at the meeting on the appointer’s behalf
The rights of proxy
- To attend the general meetings and speak at general meeting
2.To be part of the quorum
- To be elected as a chairperson of meeting
- Entitled to vote on a show of hands & on poll
Every member who has a right to attend and vote at a meeting of the company is entitled to appoint another person or persons as a proxy
Types of Proxy
- Two- way proxy
- Open Proxy
- Special Proxy
- General Proxy
Termination of a proxy
Sec 338 (1)
If notice of termination is not received before the commencement of a meeting of members or an adjourned meeting of members or in any manner specified in the constitution, then the termination of the authority of the person to act as proxy does not affect :
- The constitution of the quorum at the meeting
- The validity of anything he did as chairperson of a meeting
- The validity of a poll demanded by him at a meeting
- The validity of the vote exercised by him at a meeting
Definition: the act of extend or continue meeting for the purpose of dealing with unfinished business
Power to adjourn
The chairman may, with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present
the chairman can adjourned a meeting at his own will and pleasure without the consent of the meeting
When a meeting is adjourned for 30 days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting
Other forms of motions
1.Substantive motion
- the original motion after discussion may be altered subsequent amendments. After the amendment approved by the meeting, it is known as the substantive motion
2. Dilatory motion
- term used to describe the misuse of a formal motion, i.e. it is used for a dilatory purpose.
The minute book
- Bound book, less liable to falsification
- Loose-leaf minute book, less bulky-thickness. Can be removed and securely filed
- Keep in safe and strong room
- Placed in charge of secretary
- Numbered serially
Section 341, every company shall cause:
- minutes of all proceedings of general meeting; and
- minutes of meetings of its directors
Content of minutes:
- Heading, name of company, place, day and date of meeting
- Name of those present
- Minutes of resolution, decision taken and resolution passed
- Minutes of narration, items that do not require formal resolution
- Name of proposer and seconders, depend on the size of meeting
- Serial number, item is serially numbered
- Chairman's signature
Essential of good minute writing,
- Authentic, precise account of the proceedings
- Complete, sufficient detail to enable a person to understand
- Concise
- Free from ambiguity
- Past tense, record of what was done
Category Of Meeting
:check: Matters of public concern
:check: Public have access
:check: Not subject to the regulation of a
constituted body
:check: Attended by people who have the right (special capacity to attend)
:check: Always held in private
:check: Procedure regulated
Types of Meetings :star: Members Meetings/ Shareholder's Meetings
:star: Board of Directors Meetings
:star: Committee Meeting
Special Notice
S. 322
- Notice of intention to move the resolution proposed not less than 28 days before the resolution is to be moved
- Applies to ordinary resolution and require at least 28 days of notice
- Not practicable to give notice of proposed resolution, notice shall be given at least 14 days before the meeting
Special notice is to be given when:
- Resolution to remove director,
- Appointment of another person in place of director so removed S206(3)
- Removal of director S271(1)
- Prima Facie - not only admissible evidence of the proceedings at the meeting
- Conclusive
- Minutes must be signed by chairman
- S. 343(1) stated that record of a resolution passed is sufficient evidence
- Entry into minute book shall be conclusive evidence
S. 297
- Company may pass resolution without physical meeting
- Circulate paper resolution among member
However, provision shall not be an excuse for resolution under section 206 and 276
S. 300
- The paper resolution shall be circulated in hard copy and electronic
S. 302
Any member having total of 5% or such lower per centum of total voting right may require the company to circulate resolution.
Request can be made:
- In hard copy
- State the resolution and
- Signed by the member
S. 303
Upon request by member, director may circulate to every eligible member - copy of resolution and accompanying statement, within 21 days from requisition date
- If director fails to circulate, member may circulate the resolution
- Any reasonable expenses shall be reimbursed by company
S. 332(2)
Once the poll are properly demand, it must be accepted by the chairman
Section 344, decision made by sole member:
- may be taken by the company
- has effect as if agreed by the company
Prepared By:
:star: Nur Sahira Shazreen Binti Ahmad Zaida (2020822364)
:star: Wani Zulaikha Binti Razali (2020477246)
:star: Muhammad Aiman I'rfan Bin Norazli (2020608718)
:star: Muhammad Danieal Bin Abdul Radak @ Razak (2020861792)