Economic goods
Economic agents
Factors of production
Economic activity is what is carried out by humans in order to acquire goods that satisfy consumer needs.
goods which are obtained directly from naturer or which are turned into something
A activities carried out by humans to benefit society
they can be private or public
They can be intermediate good or finished goods
They can be consumable
Human resources
Natural resources
People who exploit and convert natural resources into economic goods
This is made up of the material, technical and financial resources that are needed to obtain products and provide services.
Partially renewable
People and families
The state
Private economic agents that make up small production units
These are also private but do not consume the products or services that they generate
It offers services to people and companies, and is financed by collecting taxes from people, families and companies.
The economic sector
Secondary sector
Tertiary sector
Primary sector
Activities involved in obtaining resources directly from raw materials
Activities involved in converting raw materials into manufactured products
Including lending services
The economic sistems in the world
In this system, the economy is planned and centralised by the State, the production process is controlled and the State is the owner of the means of production
This is based on a free market economy
The use of natural resources
Renewable resources
Together with inexhaustible resources are fundamental because their existence and renewal depend on rational use.
Non-renewable resources
Intense industrial and economic development, a high global population and a lifestyle based on consumerism all rely on large amounts of nonrenewable resources,.
The demain of water
Fresh water
Is renewable and is in scarce supply on our planet.
Availliability of drinking water
people and animals does not depend on the country being dry or wet, but on its level of development.
Countries in africa
have the greatest amount of rainfall due to the equatorial climate but they do not have a sewerage system or a water distribution network.
The sustinabillity of economy
Energies in the final decades of the 20th century, led to the realization that long-lasting and sustainable activities were needed.
Global areas:
Desert areas
Mountain areas
Tropical areas
Coastal areas
Trees are being cut down in the tropical and equatorial jungles at great speed to obtain wood or to convert the land into grazing areas for livestock
The desert areas are important areas for the extraction of petroleum, natural gas, and minerals
Wood, water, and winter sports are the demands on these areas, and as a result the delicate ecosystem..
The water on the continental shelf, which makes up the main fishing area, is very polluted because of industry and coastal construction
Loggin and forest fires
Fertile soil
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Inportant source of resources
Are essential to the co2 absortion
They generate oxygent