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Cycle 7 and 8, Integration
English and Mathematics: Number songs and…
Cycle 7 and 8
Cycle 7 & 8
- Phenomena: My school rocks!
Emergent handwriting
- Learners will hold, use and manipulate a range of effective handwriting tools. For example, crayon, paint brush, pencil, eraser, sharpener and ruler.
- They 'cement' their proficiency in terms of directionality: left to right; top to bottom, while showing competency in hand-eye coordination by drawing patterns and tracing, correctly following arrow directions etc
- Learners will trace numbers 0 to 5
- Eye-exercises: up and down. Learners sit quietly and move their eyelids up and down. They must tightly close their eyes and then open them wide, move eyelids up and down again.
- Lines from top to bottom: Learners pretend to be Fanta the Elephant, their arms are their trunks. They practice up and down movements in the air and then make up and down movement behind their friends back ( not touching)
- Lines from top to bottom: Learners pick up a pattern card and then, draw lines going up and down on their white board copying the pattern card. (pay attention to pencil grip and sitting posture) Use colours red, yellow and blue.
(Complete worksheet in ISN lines top to bottom)
- Cutting: Give learners an A4 paper and a pair of scissors. Demonstrate how to hold scissors properly and explain that the scissors are hungry and like to eat paper. Now show learners how the scissors take "bites" out of the paper (Emphasis is not in the end product, but the skill that the learner is mastering - develops hand fine motor muscles and teaches hand control.)
- Handwriting: Discuss and demonstrate how to cut along the curved and straight lines.
- Demonstrate how to use glue correctly. Learners cut and paste 3 piece puzzle in their iSN.
Emergent reading
- Re-telling of familiar stories: The Gingerbread man (LS13 Demonstrating Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in oral texts by retelling the story or restating the information)
- Book Handling skills
- While learners are practicing the cutting activity above, write the learner's name on his/her paper. Let him/her write it 3 times underneath.
- Show learners flashcards of emotions. Ask them to 'read' or mimic the facial expressions. Ask learners to show you how they feel went hey come to school in the mornings. Give them paper and let them draw how they feel coming to school in the mornings. Ask them to write their names at the top of their paper.
- Eye- motor coordination: Rabbit that falls. Hand out a rabbit to each learner. Give instructions that include the concepts in front of/behind/under/on. Example: Stand on your chair and let your rabbit fall on the floor. Sit under your table and let the rabbit fall. Learners must follow the movements with their eyes but without bending or craning their necks.
- Nouns (Person, place, thing and animal)
EG1Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs
- Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future (e.g. Yesterday I walked home; Today I walk home; Tomorrow I will walk home) INFORMALLY
- Play the noun game:
Show the learner flash cards with a
- Person
- Place
- thing
- animal
- Let the learners sit in a group and discuss the different types of nouns in the class e.g.: the table is a noun of a thing. Walk around the class and find different nouns.
Ms. Fourie is a name of a person etc.
- The learners must sort flash cards with nouns such as a person, place animal or thing.
Listening and speaking
L.S. 12 learners will demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behavior by using active listening strategies in a few different situations (e.g. listen without interrupting and wait their turn to speak; show that they are paying attention and are interested by looking at the speaker, nodding or asking relevant questions)
- Tell own story from picture/s in group context
- Continue with up to 2 instructions, without instruction being repeated, expect immediate responses in correct sequence
- Listen to a variety of topic-related rhymes - Discuss rhymes (Brain breaks or morning meetings)
- Recite the new rhyme within small group
What is the name of your school?
what is your teachers' names?
who is the school's head?
where can you find the school's head office?
where can you find the bathrooms?
where can you find the school's play area?
Morning meeting: A daily weather chart.
- Regular observation of weather conditions
- Hot, cold, windy, cloudy, sunny, misty, rainy
- Symbols to describe conditions on weather chart
- The weather and us - include clothes, food, activities
- Ask memory questions about the content of the story., as well as simple reasoning questions
- Play the charades game:
The learners must be divided into groups. The learner’s teacher must read a word and the learner must act out the word without saying anything
Numbers, Operations and Relationships:
(Focussing on numbers 0 - 5 Recognition, formations and quantities)
- Continue rote counting to 5
- Continue counting out to 5
- Further practise the number 1 (number symbol 1; one dot/picture/symbol; number name one) and write the number symbol
- 1-to-1 correspondence up to 5
- Learner do rote counting from 0- 5. Let them close their eyes, stand on one leg, on their chair with their eyes closed, standing on one leg on chair.
- Say counting rhyme incorporating finger action. repeat a few times and encourage learners to do it with you.
- Number sequence: You count alone but leave one number out e.g 1 3 4 5. Learners say which number is left out.
Patterns, Functions and Algebra
- Copy pattern packed out by you (3-4 units) using the 2-D shapes circles, triangles and squares in the colours red, yellow and blue
- Pack out own pattern
- 5-piece puzzle
PR1Identify, extend, reproduce, and create repeating patterns through investigation, using a variety of material
- Symmetry: Show learners briefly how to cut out the half-man picture. How many eyes,/ears etc: does the man have? Draw in the other half of the face.
Space and Shape (Geometry)
- Naming shapes in own work (Visual Literacy (to be covered throughout the term)
- Continue with spatial concepts mentioned above, emphasise up/down and in/out
- Reinforce symmetry
- 5-piece puzzle
- (Week 8) 6-piece puzzle, attention on how to build more complex puzzles
GP 1Identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two-dimensional shapes
- 2D shape: Talk about the puzzle picture and show learners that the picture is also on the lid/box. Let learners count the people, animals, pieces on the lid/in the box. Talk about the colours and spatial positions that were used in the picture e.g. The sky above is blue.
- Let learners use their legs/arms/fingers/ back to show what straight means and show corners with their fingers. Can learners show what the shape of the puzzle piece looks like? Let learners build the puzzle.
Data Handling
- (Week 8) Collect information and pack out a simple concrete graph with your help
- Read and interpret the graph
New concept:
- Introduce estimate then count. Important: This week we only estimate up to 3 objects
- Size
- Continue to use concepts big/bigger/biggest , small/smaller/smallest, tall/taller/tallest, short/shorter/shortest
- Add just as big/just as small/just as tall Time
- Continue practising the previously mentioned time concepts when doing the daily weather chart - Special attention to day/night, add dark/light
Morning meeting: Time - Continue working with previous concepts when doing the daily weather and birthday Chart. Add the names of the months of the year/seasons/days of the week
Life skills: Sciences
Participate in environmentally friendly activities in the classroom and the school yard (e.g., put scrap paper in the scrap paper bin, put garbage in the waste receptacle, help maintain trees and plants in the school yard, turn off lights when leaving the classroom)
Learners can list what they are thankful for in their environment
how does it help us and our school? ( Discuss during Morning meeting)
What can we do to keep our environment healthy?
Who is responsible for keeping our environment clean?
How can we show our environment that we are thankful for keeping us healthy?
e.g. do not litter, making rules to keep it clean etc.
Life skills: ICT
Show growing familiarity with communication devices (landline phone, cellular telephone, tablets, computers etc.) (ICT 4)
Identify a range of technology, including cameras, tablets, microphone/recording devices and computers and state its purpose/use.
Life skills: The Arts
Visual Arts
- Explore different elements of art (e.g., color, line, shape, texture, form) in visual arts (e.g., initially: create different kinds of lines with finger-paint; eventually: explore colour mixing)
- Express their responses to visual art forms by making connections to their own experiences or by talking about the form
- Communicate their understanding of something (e.g., a familiar story, an experience, a song, a play) by representing their ideas and feelings through visual art
- Focus on line & colour
- Painting: use pre-mixed tempera paint or coloured inks or dyes in primary and secondary colours to respond to the
week’s topic
Learners tell a story about their school. They can represent the jacaranda colours in their painting.
Performing Arts Express their responses to music by moving, by making connections to their own experiences, or by talking about the musical form. For example, the school song.
- Communicate their understanding of something (e.g., a poem, a story, a piece of music) through drama (e.g., move like the animals in a poem; find different ways to move to music or a teacher prompt; move as if they are outside on a windy day after hearing a story about the wind; freeze like a statue)
- Exploring music, movement and voice: focusing on tempo: fast and slow
- Keeping a steady beat: playing rhythmic games such as clapping, stamping, percussion using different rhythms and
Life skills: PSWD
- Demonstrate the ability to take turns in activities and discussions (e.g. engage in play activities with others, listen to peers and adults)
- Learners will also use a variety of simple strategies to solve problems (e.g. seeks assistance from a team member when needed, develop an awareness of honesty, talk to peers about possible solutions).
- Learners will talk about how they make friends at school
- Developing spatial awareness: freeze games, finding own space no bumping ( Brain Breaks)
- Cooling down the body and relaxing
Value for the term: Thankful
- What are we thankful at school?
- Thankful for my teacher, my friends, our beautiful school grounds.
- What can we do to show that we are Thankful?
- English and Mathematics: Number songs and rhymes
- English and PSWD: My school
- English and PSWD: Retelling a story
- English and Mathematics: Number formation
- Mathematics and PSWD: discussing size and times of the day
- Arts with PSWD: Expressing themselves through art
- Arts and English: naming different elements of art
- ICT and English: Identifying different technology