African Adventure: The story is about Teresa, a girl who is going to a trip to Africa to work with Dr. McCall (her father´s friend). On the plane, she met Ana, a very kind woman. Teresa told Ana about her trip. She was working with him because she could speak Nandi, one of the Kenyan languages. Ana told Teresa that she lived in the west, she could speak Nandi too. She met Dr. McCall the next day. He was a fat man with black hair and dark glasses. He told her about his work. It was a secret. He has discovered a medicine woman who could prevent a terrible sickness. He was the only one who knew about it. The sickness was called “River Blindness”. When people caught it, they went blind slowly. The people caught it when a fly that lived in the river bit them. The fly left an egg in the bite, and it became a tiny worm. The worm got into the blood and moved through the body. It attacked the eyes anda, very slowly, the person went blind. The eyes became tired and, under a microscope, could be seen silver lines in them. The line was a sign of river blindness. The medicine woman couldn't cure the blind people, but she had a special flower that prevented it. But Teresa discovered something else later. She was having lunch with a journalist when she saw a newspaper. It was about the River Blindness. They were two companies trying to find the medicine: Norway (a charity that wanted to give the medicine free to every child in Kenya) and F.D.I (an American drug Company that wanted to sell it, but the poor people in the villages couldn´t buy it). F.D.I had promised one million dollar to the person who finds the right medicine.Teresa suspected that Dr. McCall wanted to sell the flower to F.D.I. On Monday morning, Teresa and Dr. McCall started their trip to the medicine woman's village. They met her the day after. Her name was Rose. Teresa notices quiqly that Rose had the River Blindness. Rose gave the flower to Teresa but not to Dr. McCall because she didn't trust him. At night, Dr. McCall gave Teresa a strange tea. Teresa drank it and felt asleep.She had a nightmare. It was about a huge animal trying to catch her. When Teresa woke up, Dr. McCall wasn't there anymore. He went away. Harriet (Rose's granddaughter) told her what happened: Teresa was sick so Harriuet stayed behind the tent, she Heard everything. Teresa told Dr. McCall about the medecine. Teresa and Harriet needed to stop him. They ran down the village but Teresa was very sick and it was begging to get dark. So Harriet told Teresa to walk along for twenty minutes to find an English woman´s house. She could help her. Teresa arrived. She realized that it was Ana´s house! (The woman that she met on the plane). Ana helped her, like Harriet said. A flying doctor picked her to Nairobi. When Teresa arrived to the hospital, the director was at an important meeting. She interrupted it and told him everything about the medicine and the flowers. But she realized that Dr. McCall was in the meeting! Dr. McCall told Teresa that he had River Blindness too and, all this time, he was trying to help African people.