First of all I do not believe that ethnic profiling is a morally right thing to do. It divides people.
In a time where the virus divides us. We need to unite against it.
Well, as I was doing some rounds on the internet, I was looking at the implications and effects of human rights on certain people entering Israel. Essentially I believe that they were doing something wrong from a human rights standpoint and that is risk-profiling people based on their ethnicity...While the media tends to view this as a controversial topic, others see it as a way to stop Terrorist attacks. I saw both sides of the coin. Eventually came 2020, Covid-19 declared a pandemic. I challenged the thinking of whether such a system, thus used for the wrong reasons can be changed not to divide people but to unite for such against a main cause, to fight a pandemic sweeping the world... Higher Risk profiles are issued for people in higher risk countries and lower risk profiles are issued for people are issued for lower risk countries.
Q3.) Why is this approach layered?
I was thinking about how you originally prepare for a tsunami, and then I thought in war-strategy games, have an advantage you change the condition of the battle, from the battle ground to whole list of other things, essentially what you're doing is by being able to change the initial conditions. You can affect the outcome of a battle. This translates very well to the pandemic. Perhaps if you change the initial conditions in which the virus will spread. Then the outcome will be different than if you kept the initial conditions the same.
Q4.) How can NZ effectively manage and control outbreaks with this strategy?
Let’s think practically for once. If you had the chance to stop a fire before it happens what do you do? Do you cut the fire’s oxygen supply? What if the fire is as big as a wildfire? What do you then do? You make a fire line. Stop the fire from expanding it’s territory, you isolate it so it has nowhere to run.
A virus is not like a fire… It has no legs it has no brain… It can’t run up hills either. What it can do is spread from person to person, that’s why we wear masks out in public if possible. That’s why we scan with the NZ Covid Tracer App. We cut off the fuel which in this case is the potential for it to spread and we are already a step of the way.
The layers are also supposed to serve as protection from any unwanted community transmission. I’d like to think of it as a giant mask for New Zealand. Besides that the layers are suppose to serve as a progressive defense strategy, while each layer has it's own role and is supposed to act as both a wall and a drawbridge. By controlling, restricting and monitoring, our border we can prevent an influx of the virus and keep from having deadly resurgences like in other countries. I like to also link that to networking and the idea of a Viral Firewall. My school’s internet network infrustructure had 3 Firewalls each independently operated. This approach allows us to scale our ongoing response depending on whether a surge happens or not. We can isolate by restricting the movement between each layer while also protect the inner layers of the system. Being able to control what happens between the layers can also serve as a prevention strategy. I think by reducing the potential attack area of a virus within the NZ Population. We can control the virus and make it harder for it to spread whilst keeping NZ Safe.
Q5.) Why is the Lock-Down Approach the last thing on the list?
While Lockdowns are effective in slowing down the spread of such a virus of pandemic proportions, and also effective in stopping exponential growth dead in it's tracks. However from the growing accounts from what I’ve seen in the news and to small businesses, and from what the government has said, I think we can infer that it is not economically viable… Even though it saves lives. I believe both are important. No one wants our economy to fall and no one wants to see people’s being lives taken by this pandemic. We need to rebuild our economy while protecting our country.