Step 1: Set students up with one laptop for each pair and go to the English version of Google Maps. Give students a world map printed on A3 paper, sticker labels for each continent, six country labels, six city labels, and 12 blank labels. Students should use the 12 blank labels to come up with their own suggestions for six countries and six cities.
Assessment: Students use Google Maps to correctly locate and label the seven continents, twelve countries, and twelve cities. The teacher checks to make sure their labels are accurate.
Step 2: Students are given seven colors of clay and an A3 size piece of cardboard. They mold the clay into shapes of continents and place them on the cardboard.
Assessment: Students quiz one another or spelling and continent location by pointing to a clay continent and asking for spelling. Teacher administers official spelling quiz using the same pointing method.
Step 3: Students create 24 mini-flags (country and city names) using toothpicks, paper, and tape. They place the 24 flags in the correct locations on their clay world map.
Assessment: Teacher checks spelling/placement.
Step 4: Students share their clay world maps with the class. Display in class.
Assessment: Have students fill out a peer assessment sheet.