Why does uneven development exist
Geographical location
Rural isolation
Coastal location
remoteness from major world markets, have underdeveloped markets
high transport costs
no access to the ocean which reduces potential trade
civil wars
unfair trade debt
Climate Change
Lack of resources
weather and climate
water shortages
tropical climates
no access to the main population becasue they don't have the money to afford housing
did not benefit from economic development from markets and public services
no access to the main population becasue they don't have the money to afford housing
find it hard to create products that can sell on world markets
resources might of been stolen when that country was colonialised
emerging market economies are unable to function efficiently
Will have a lower standard of living for citizens
depletion of its human resources meaning their is uneven development
their will be a lower population meaning the development would be slow
diseases can spread, crops can fail and a person's standard of living can decrease
Natural disasters such as droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes can hinder developing countries
can have long term effects on the environment and social lives
Suffer from diseases that thrive in hot humid conditions
People who get these diseases are incapacitated and cannot work or may even die, limiting development.
slows down economic development because everyone is going to war
loss of money which goes to war
struggling to pay debt countries, they cannot invest in education or medical care, so it lowers development
in a drought, the government would give food and money but little amount of water
it is something that they receive to help but not to help the cause which slows down the development