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Focal Issue: Failure of the community to uphold their right to health -…
Focal Issue: Failure of the community to uphold their right to health
Militarization of the government
Lack of competency in Leaders
framing of social issues as moralistic
lack of transparency and accountability
further patronage politics
budget cuts to social services; increased funding to dubious activities
Health is not seen as a top priority by the nat'l government
View that Filipinos are second class citizens in their own country
Filipinos are not prioritized
Specifically the health needs of lower-middle to lower class families are not addressed
Lack of understanding in addressing social issues
Agenda of the administration is not aligned with pressing social issues
Even amid the pandemic, the issue of the "right to health" is not adequately/correctly discussed
Barangay doesn't know what "right to health" is
some LGUs operate within their personal agenda
Lack of investment in conducting studies resulting to failed policies
political undermining of evidence-based policy research
Lack of "coordination" from the National Level to the Local Level
Appointment of non-experts in leadership positions
lack of opportunity - no access public health systems
no access to efficient and effective public health systems (people have to suffer through long lines if they want to go to their local health center)
lack of motivation
Healthcare is expensive
People acquire behavior to brush off mild symptoms and/or illnesses
Vitamins and medicines are expensive, therefore hindi nagiging priority
People resort to Doctor Quack (Dr. Willie Ong and Farah)
lack the capacity (knowledge, skills attitude) to claim their right to health
lack of motivation to claim their rights
The public's common understanding of the right to health is only limited to "being sick" instead of "being healthy"
People in the province prefer "albularyos"
informal activities are normal but not recognized by the upper classes
supply of competent medical practitioners is low, demand is high
Healthcare workers go abroad (low pay in the PH)
High Tuition Fees
Discrimination towards the ill (ex: covid, HIV, etc.)
People tend to discourage themselves from getting checked (in-denial)
Over saturated media impedes decision-making
There aren't enough medical facilities (not enough bedspace, laboratories, etc.)
inaccessible science
science as elitist or pang-mayaman (and therefore anti-poor)
Community Quarantine
Difficulty in building rapport with the communities
Geographical constraints
Philippines Archipelago
Transport costs involved
Since public transpo isn't efficient, a lot are prompted to purchase their own vehicle (cars, motorcycles, etc.) = more pollution
Focus on urban communities vs rural
Vulnerable groups
Urban poor community
indigenous peoples
Lack of public and green spaces
Mall-centric infrastructures which promote mass gatherings
Green spaces can promote better mental health
development aggression forcing populations to settle elsewhere (compromising the environment)
improvised settlements; poor urban planning
Clean development mechanisms remain unexplored and unsupported locally
Waste segregation isn't widely practiced
expansive urban planning
Unsafe settlement plans/projects are approved
Lack of investment in mass transportation
No proper bike lanes
Can result to accidents
Buses are crowded
Dami ng private cars result to endless traffic problems
Congestion of public transport in the cities
Water shortage affects lower to lower-middle income areas more
Housing problems
Socialized housing is still not affordable
People resort to cramped up spaces
No space for distancing
lack of financial resources
Disruption in their stable source of income
inadequate social policies mitigating negative impacts of shocks
the ones affected are those who lack skills to be employable
Expensive - medicine, hospital costs, social class disparities - only Class - A have access mostly
Country's development is seen only in GDP not in life expectancy (HDI)
growth as development (does not take into consideration other factors)
neoliberal economic policies furthering social inequalities
food insecurity from liberalization of agriculture
Paid maternity leaves/other benefits is not a common practice
Philhealth coverage isn't sufficient
no access to public technological systems
difficulty in online communication due to lack in devices
Weak ICT infrastructures
Little to no innovation in digital infrastructures of the government; may result to weak monitoring systems of different institutions (ex: influx of online shops aren't as looked into since there are only little means to regulate them)
expensive and unstable internet service
low investment in S&T
intellectual property rights in favor of the rich getting richer
mishandling of personal data (for profit)
Upskilling of workforce/employees (with regards to tech) isn't a priority of gov't/corporations
Unavailability of education offered to vulnerable (senior citizens, IPs,etc.)
Limited access to electricity, internet services in remote areas
Information systems are not fully utilized
lack of knowledge on existing online platforms (health etc)
Politicians use of trolls and other third party access to "rig" campaigns, information dissemination, etc.
Spread of fake news
Weak policies of public health policies
COVID policies are not grounded in scientific basis
manual filing
Even with the shift to digital filing, courts lack urgency (or are very slow) in responding to cases
Justice system is flawed
people seek alternative means of justice (outside the system)
Most are discouraged by the duration of the process
case filing also needs budget/financial needs
lack public attorney to attend to vulnerable groups with legal concerns
court of public opinion
Political Prisoners
lack of trust in judiciary
rich over poor/ money matter
Needs of corporations are prioritzed
Unconstitutional laws are passed
People resort to TULFO because he can provide a swifter action
People gain behavior on using trial by publicity instead of the proper judiciary process
TULFO thinks like a boomer. With him being emboldened to judge people's cases, he perpetuates backwards thinking
Pa-awa-an justice
Poor people are paid to keep shut