S – Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials The second “s” in the acronym stands for select strategies, technology, media, and materials. Given what your learning objectives are, it’s necessary to pick instructional strategies, technology, and media that will bring about the results that you want.
U – Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials This step in the ASSURE process concerns making a plan as to how you will utilize the technology, media, and materials that you have selected. As with all of the instructional steps, you must make sure that your plans contribute towards producing the objectives that you have laid down.
R – Require Learner Participation This step actually belongs within earlier steps. It requires that you make plans to how you are going to actively engage your students in the material that you are teaching. This needs to be figured out both at the class level and the individual level.
E – Evaluate and Revise The final step in the ASSURE process is just as crucial as all of the others. In this step, you evaluate the impact of your teaching on student learning. This includes an evaluation of your teaching strategies and the technology, media, and materials that you used.
You should figure out what which delivery method will be best for your instruction. For instance, what proportion of your instruction will be instructor-centered and what proportion of will be student-centered? The first of these are strategies such as lecture, demonstration or showing a video. The second are strategies such as group discussion or cooperative group work.