Father absence in particular has been identified as a stressor associated with early menarche, earlier ages of sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy (Kramer & Lancaster, 2010).
Father absence is related to earlier menarche, this therefore increases the likelihood of earlier reproduction and a higher risk of mating earlier. (Barbaro, Boutwell, Barnes & Shackelford, 2017)
A low quality of a relationship between father and daughter predicted a stronger influence on earlier sexual activity with the daughter (DelPriore, Brener, Hill & Ellis, 2020).
Having an absent father can affect a daughters stable structure of their environment and this influence a faster life history therefore enforcing earlier menarche (Guo, Lu, Zhu & Chang, 2020), suggesting then that earlier menarche will then be followed by earlier ages of sexual activity (Barbaro, Boutwell, Barnes & Shackelford, 2017).
In a small observational study Hetherington found that adolescent girls who where from early absent father households (divorced before age 5) tend to initiate more contact with, and seek more attention from males, than those who had absent fathers over the age of 5. (Ellis et al, 2003)e