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Implementation of co-teaching challenges
implementation challenges
involvement of special education and mainstream teachers in inclusive classrooms is new
teachers need to be prepared and know the level of achievement of the students
teachers need to recognise the identity and category of each student
teachers need to know students' specific needs, especially in terms of learning abilities and learning tools - help manage themselves
teachers' preparation in getting the documentation ready and carrying out the monitoring of the achievement
recording procedures and conducting this observation involve many parties - for example, in the preparation of the documents for individualised education plans (IEP), teachers need to cooperate a plan and conduct remedial and enrichment activities other than the provision of appropriate objectives
challenges on parents
The positive impact of the implementation of co-teaching to their children is evident
As parents, their support is required to create a good social integration among students.
The implementation of co-teaching in inclusive classes gives parents a share feeling and anxiety with teachers and administrators associated to the formation of their children's IEP.
Increases the level of awareness to parents because of the formation of IEP and that there are challenges in the cooperation required by the school to ensure the achievement of IEP quality to happen with the support of parents.
The aspects of the communication challenges between school and parents will develop a community better than one way
administration challenges
The administrator who runs the special education program should be proficient in designing the professionalism development programs which is necessary among all teachers.
The implementation of co-teaching in public schools will involve teachers. Therefore, the administrator needs to have a team that can carry the responsibility for conducting the counseling sessions to the teachers.
The implementation of co-teaching requires an administrator to learn more about special education and how it should be handled. As a reference, most administrators do not have special education teaching background
Research Method
Research Instrument
sampling that involves 3 groups of people
developed using the 5-point Likert scale
quantitative study
distributed to the respondents by post and email and returned it back within 7 days
to exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and validation process in 3 stages
test (pre-service teacher)
retest (language speacialist)
pilot test (among respondents in Johor)
instruments (2 parts)
section A
- demography, consisted of 3 questions (gender, race, academic)
section B
- 21 questions (challenges)
240 purposive respondents
teachers - 150
parents - 60
administrators - 30
a total of 25 schools from 14 states
from 300 sets were distributed, only 290 sets were returned
90% confidence, standard deviation of 0.5 and +5% margin of error
the rest 12 sets cannot be accepted because they did not meet the criteria
Data Analysis
first analysis
done by using IBM SPSS 21.0
to process the descriptive analysis and reliability of the data collectted
access the demographic profile of the sample and the
internal consistency of the constructs.
second analysis
use the partial least squares (PLS) based SEM
to analyse the three groups of respondents.
PLS- a popular statistical technique for multivariate data analysis in the social and behavioral sciences, and education
Section B
evaluated by examining the outer loadings, CR, average variance (AVE), convergent validity, and discriminant validity
Firstly, the model measurement was tested for
convergent validity.
Assessed through the factor loadings, CR and AVE
loading item must be more than 0.6 to be considered as the recommended value
Section C
A bootstrapping procedure with 500 interactions was performed to examine the statistical significance of
the weights of sub-constructs
The results of t-values show positive relationship between
the implementation to performance, administration to implementation and administration to performance.
Section A
Males (146)
females (94)
Social background
Administrators (60)
Teachers (150)
Parents (30)
Academic background
Degree (162)
Master (13)
The implementation of co-teaching in an inclusive program requires active involvement of teachers and administrators
The implementation of inclusive education seems to be incomplete in the absence of challenges and it should be
Problem statement
the involvement of administrators is required particularly in the planning of the implementation policies with co-teaching because it involves two groups of teachers.
The role of teachers led many to challenge their extensive pressure to provide the best service to
manage SEN.
Expectations of parents (de Boer et al., 2010) as they want to ensure their children participation in the inclusive programs will be successful.
discussion and conclusion
To create the role of co-teaching, it is a must for all three parties to seat together.
The relationship between the personnel involved can give a good impression in the context of trust, acceptance and cooperation.
The elements of acceptance, trust and cooperation as keys for the successful implementation of the scheme planned.
A dire need for mainstream to foster trust in the coalition as well as equally benefit.
Teachers act as executor and parents see the changes and improvement in the quality of IEP as a successful way.
A culture of collaboration among the parties involved in enabling all parties are satisfied with the program designed because it involves consenting administrators, teachers and parents.
The involvement are able to provide a very significant impact like good achievement on the level of achievements among students in inclusive classroom through the implementation of co-teaching.
The implementation of co-teaching needs cooperation to generate power in form of mutual agreement.
The need to provide professional training, encourage collaborations in school, implement schedules and ratio of students involved in the implementation of co-teaching are greatly emphasized.
Administrators should be responsible for leading and involving teachers and parents in the planning and implementation of co-teaching.
Challenges faced by teachers can bring positive impacts in terms of preparation of the IEP, understanding the diverse needs of students and making documentation of students achievements.
Through the implementation of co-teaching, the role of parents is indispensable in ensuring their children to get the chance to improve academic achievement and social skills in the inclusive classroom. Also, they get required information that is synonymous with the achievement from the administrators and teachers.