Imperial Presidents- Jack Kagimoto
William McKinley (1896-1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1908)
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1920)
William Howard Taft (1909-1912)
27th President of the United States
tenth chief justice of the United States
Son of a distinguished judge, graduated from Yale and studied law
much preferred law to politics; Federal Circuit Judge at 34
sent to the Philippines in 1900 by McKinley as chief civil administrator
sympathetic to the Filipinos; improved economy
made secretary of war by Roosevelt in 1807; Roosevelt wanted him to be his successor
Republican Convention nominated him in 1908
reduction of 1897 Dingley Tariff for antitrust reform, and Filipino self-government
Dollar Diplomacy
purpose- minimize use or threat of military force
guarantee loans to foreign countries- economic power
investment of US capital in foreign countries
extension of Monroe Doctrine
"substituting dollars for bullets
failed to counteract economic instability in certain countries
Dominican Republic
25th president of the US
assassinated in 1901
victory of Spanish-American war
last president to have served in the American Civil War
became brevet major
Open Door Policy
rapid economic growth
1897 Dingley Tariff
protect manufacturers and factory workers from foreign competition
passage of Gold Standard Act
peace settlement- Spain turned over:
Puerto Rico
was promised independence
became US territory, and eventually became a US state
Treaty of Paris
paid Spain $20 million
free trade with China
without violation of nation's territorial integrity
Boxer Rebellion
China relief expedition
Clayton-Bulwer treaty
became president after McKinley's assassination
youngest president
26th US President
Square Deal
Sherman Antitrust act
believed that big business was necessary
prosecuted bad trusts that restrained trade and charged unfair prices
44 antitrust suits
broke up Northern Securities Company
biggest railroad monopoly
regulated Standard Oil
US department of Commerce and Labor
bureau of corporations
Foreign policy
maintain friendly relations with Japan
end Russo-Japan war
resolved racial tensions in 1907
Latin America
Panama Canal
paid bankrupt Panama Canal Company
conservation of natural resources
control of corporations
consumer protection
28th US President
Tariff and tax regulation
Revenue Act of 1913
reduced average import taxes
restored federal income tax
Moral Diplomacy
believed that democracy is the most essential aspect of a stable and prospering nation
American exceptionalism
spread of liberty and democracy
different from other nations