College Application Video CEA
Focus on content, not cinematography.
Show your enthusiasm.
Go light on the ego.
When possible, show rather than tell
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Prepare well in advance
Be concise
Get help
Be dynamic and show your personality
Read directions carefully
Stick to the recommended length.
Unless you’re applying to film school, you’re not being judged on anything but what (not how!) is being filmed.
So don’t splurge for a professional videographer or editor.
As Andrew Flagel, Dean of Admissions and Associate Vice President of Enrollment Development at George Mason University, put it: “Production value of the videos is not considered.”
Remember your audience
You don’t need to be screaming into a megaphone or dressed as the school mascot to demonstrate how serious you are about attending the school.
You don’t need to be screaming into a megaphone or dressed as the school mascot to demonstrate how serious you are about attending the school.
Many colleges will limit videos to one or two minutes.
You should be brainstorming ideas and preparing long before the application is due
You want to allow enough time for you to be able to put together a carefully organized
Even if there’s no limit (other than what YouTube imposes), you’ll want to seriously weigh the value in sending a 10-minute piece.
Yes, you want the video to tell something about you, but that doesn’t mean you have to be in every frame.
In fact, there’s always a risk (especially if you’ve got prom king or queen good looks) that you’ll come across as vain.
A focused video will help admission officers get to know you
Experienced admissions officials can smell manipulation a mile away. Show off your talents, personality, and uniqueness – not your beauty pageant sash
Watch other people’s college application videos.
Some schools will post application videos online. George Mason University uses to allow students to explain why they’re a good match for the school.
Some schools will post application videos online. George Mason University uses to allow students to explain why they’re a good match for the school.
taking the time to edit your video conscientiously can really make a difference.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Have your friends and family serve as a test audience so you can receive helpful feedback.
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