Spanish colonization of Texas

Native American perspective and living

Spanish perspective and living

Spanish: Sophie, Elissa, Jade




Food, Hunting, and farming

Food, hunting, farming


The upper class women wore big dresses with many colors the sleeves were very puffy. The dresses had fancy collars and the bottom had a skirt of many layers and colors.

The soldiers wore a coat of a solid color and pants of the same color the shirt under the coat is normaly button up and white.

The Upper class men wore Mainly shirts of a variety of colors and very puffy sleeves. They also wore puffy pants with small boot like shoes sometimes with heels


Food was like social identity to the Spaniards. If they were rich, they would eat bread, wine, and meat. If they were poor it would show when they ate things like vegetable stew and oats.

The soldiers however lived in the Presidios. They protected the Missions and dealt with some of the transportation and goods!

The Franciscans and Friars lived in the missions with the native americans, some Nuns also lived in the missions.

When the Spaniards came to Texas, they didn't want to eat the same as the Native Americans. They thought they were better than them so they wouldn't eat the same thing.

They brought seeds to grow there own food.

They had other necessities come by ship like beans, rice, corn, sugar, lard(pigs abdomen), a variety of spices

A lot of chocolate was used, mainly for hot cocoa, which was very popular.

They also ordered things like olive oil and wine.


Friars were in charge of the missions from the order of the Franciscans.


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Food, Hunting, Farming


When the Spanish came to Texas, they had a lot more power because they had weapons, a lot of people, missions, and Presidios to defend themselves.

They liked being in power and better than everyone else. They can control people and they liked this.


The Spanish colonizer mainly used horses as transportation. They also introduced the wheel and brought wagons to help with their transportation.The Spanish also developed the first roads so they could have a clear place to get from place to place.

Gender roles

Men led the household, farmed, and made war.


Women had few rights and did household labor. They couldn't participate politically, own land, or get divorced.

The currency of the Spanish colonizers was called the silver real or in Spanish real de plata. This became the standard issued coin until the early 19th century. The gold escudos that were worth 16 reals were also issued. These coins circulated through the Spanish colonies and beyond. The real soon grew another name the Spanish dollar and became standard and began spawning in other currencies.

Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Native Americans had almost the opposite gender roles, so Europeans thought they were uncivilized.

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A lot of other things were happening around the world in the 1680's. Some of these events include:

Gottfried Kirch discovers the Great Comet of 1680

Pueblo Indians takes possession of Santa Fé from Spanish

In New Mexico, Popé leads rebellion of Pueblo Indians against Spaniards

Hen in Rome lays an egg imprinted with comet. This was not seen until Dec 16th

The first ever tornado recorded took the life of a servant in Cambridge, Massachusetts

In 1681 the last dodo was killed.

Wu Shifan, grandson of Chinese general Wu Sangui, commits suicide in Yunnan province.


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What else was happening in this time period


power and leaders

Native Americans: Yvonne, Jaqiu, Jose

The Spanish empire is in charge of the Spanish.

The Spanish didn't really have all that much of free time. In any spare time they were either in church practicing Catholicism, this could include praying or reading the Bible. They would also get ready for the work of tomorrow.

BONUS: free time

Native Americans played games and musical instruments. They played games like tug-of-war, hide and seek, blind man's bluff, ect… The most common instruments played by the Native Americans were drums and rattles.

BONUS: free time

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The Spanish believe in a religion called Catholicism. When they came to Texas they were in search of the three G's, Gold, Glory, and God. So they established Missions to convert the Native Americans to Catholicism. They also built Presidios to protect the MIssion from the other Natives, such as the Indians.

Power and Leaders

There were lots of different leaders in different N.A. tribes. In the Caddos, the oldest woman in each family controlled the entire family. There were also chiefs called the caddi. They made the important political decisions for the village and led war councils. In some tribes, women had a lot of rights. About the same, if not more, than the men did. In N.A. tribes, there were chiefs that were in control of the village. Some well known chiefs are Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Cochise, and many more.

A lot of tribes hunted deer, rabbits, other small mammals, and sometimes fished in lakes or rivers. The N.A. felt that they shouldn’t waste food, and ate all of the animals they killed. Farming was very common among native tribes. They grew things like corn, beans, plums, and squash. They used weapons such as spears, bows and arrows, and slingshots. Most of the weapons they made were deadly

In N.A. tribes, women had quite a bit of freedom. In one tribe, the oldest woman from each family controlled the whole family. Women usually made clothing and weapons, cooked, took care of the children, and farmed. The men would usually be the ones hunting, though sometimes the women decided to join. The children all learned the same cooking, farming, and hunting skills as one another. If horses were available, both genders learned to ride them to get around.

Most Native American cultures relied on some combination of leggings, breechclout, or simple short-like coverings. A shirt or jacket for men, and leggings and a full-length dress for women. Leather shoes called moccasins, were also worn. The primary material that the Native Americans used to make clothing was animal hides. Many tribes such as the Cherokee used deerskin

When Native Americans would travel/move on foot, using buffalo, and later used horses after the Spanish people introduced the animal to them. Some Native Americans didn’t travel but when they did this was their form of transportation and what they did when they hunted, explored, and moved to new areas

Some Native Americans were nomadic and settled down to build their sturdy homes, while others would travel from place to place. Nomadic Native Americans would make their homes out of adobe or make grass lodges. They settled in places where they had all the things they needed to live comfortably. Native Americans who traveled would carry their things to the new places they went to hunt animals, to find food, and to find more land to farm and to not have all their population in one place.

Early European settlers in America thought that Native Americans had no religion, that wasn’t true. Many Native Americans believed in a great spirit - called Wakan Tanka - their religion was animistic. It was based on the desire to appease 'the spirits', which they did in a variety of ways. When native Americans were confronted with Christianity, some incorporated elements of Christianity into their own beliefs, creating a new, syncretistic system. Others resisted the faith of the Europeans and held fast to traditional beliefs.

The Native Americans did a lot of trading. They traded things like weapons, fur, wheat, ect.. Also Wampum, or beads that were strung together, were often used as a medium of exchange for both Native American tribes and settlers during this Pre-Revolutionary era.

When Native Americans would travel/move on foot, using buffalo, and later used horses after the Spanish people introduced the animal to them. Some Native Americans didn’t travel but when they did this was their form of transportation and what they did when they hunted, explored, and moved to new areas.

religion spanish

dodo bird spanish

clothing spanish

Tornado spanish

Leaders spanish

Money spanish

clothes for NA

Clothing numero 2

Food NA

food #2


transportation NA

housing #2