The 2 by 2 regions we are focusing on are Region TL (top left) = \(\{ a_{11}, a_{12}, a_{21}, a_{22} \} \), Region TR (top right) = \(\{ a_{13}, a_{14}, a_{23}, a_{24} \} \), Region BL (bottom left) = \(\{ a_{31}, a_{32}, a_{41}, a_{42} \} \), and Region BR (bottom right) = \(\{ a_{33}, a_{34}, a_{43}, a_{44} \} \)
Now, let's take a look at Region TL (top left) = \(\{ a_{11}, a_{12}, a_{21}, a_{22} \} \). We know elements 1 through 4 are used exactly once in Region TL. Let's start with \(a_{11}\). If we let \(a_{11}\) have four options, then, that element cannot be in \(a_{12}, a_{21}\), or \(a_{22}\). Therefore, when \(a_{11}\) uses one of the elements, there are three remaining elements.
Next, let's take a look at \(a_{12}\). Since an element was placed in \(a_{11}\), we know there are three remaining elements. When an element is placed in \(a_{12}\) there will be two elements left to be placed in \(a_{21}\) and \(a_{22}\).
Now, let's take a look at \(a_{21}\). Since \(a_{11}\) and \(a_{12}\) already have two of our fours elements, we know \(a_{21}\) has two elements as options. After one of the elements is placed in \(a_{21}\), there will be one element remaining. We know this remaining element will be placed in \(a_{22}\). Therefore, \(a_{22}\) has one element option.
For Region TL we have shown \(a_{11}\) has 4 element options, \(a_{12}\) has 3 element options, \(a_{21}\) has 2 element options, and \(a_{22}\) has 1 element option.
In other words, a 2 by 2 region has 4! ways to fill the region using the elements 1 through 4 only once.
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