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SU4- Consumer- Attitude, Communication - Coggle Diagram
SU4- Consumer- Attitude, Communication
Attitude- basics
Affective- object feelings; expressed as attitude (positive/negative) and measured thru 5-point likert or semantic differential scale
Conative- behavioural; expressed as purchase intent; likelihood of undertaking a specific action concerning the object
Reflects individual's object evaluation (avoid/approach)- actual behaviour may vary based on consumption context/situation e.g. likes fastfood but wont eat it for business lunch
Consistent, enduring- may alter due to inaccessibility
I.e. link btw attitude + behaviour- situation; whether or not attitude predicts behaviour is heavily situational
Key- learned (direct experience/from others), consistent (but not permanent), situational/contextual
Adjustment strategies- learned, affected by experience, personality
Resolve 2 conflicting attitudes- make negative attitude look weaker (e.g. thru consumer testimonials)
Personal experience- allow for trials, samples e.g. open house/test-drive
Social (friends, family)- "introduce/invite a friend" deal
Internet- highly cost-efficient e.g. emails, banners, links
Cognition needs
Low- influenced by peripheral factors e.g. endorser status, packaging
Identify product, target (+ their needs, budget, impt attributes)
Communication (process)
Receiver- msg reception
Recipient factors
Characteristics, motives
Object perception (based on expectations, motivations, prior experiences)- affects msg interpretation
Msg decoding process- depends on personality, attitude, prior learning
Selective exposure e.g. ad blockers, caller IDs
Psychological noise (e.g. competing ads, msg clutter, distracting thoughts)- use creative strategies, repetition, contrast e.g. product placement in movies/games
Channel (connects source, receipient)
Congruence- media, msg, product
Creating persuasive msg
Structure, presentation- approach based on target's characteristic
Image, text- visuals generally more effective, but depends on target's characteristics (visualiser/verbaliser)
Msg framing
Positive (highlights benefits of using)- for independent self-image, when more info-processing opportunity; can be coupled with negative anecdotes (of non-usage)
Negative (highlights bad consequences of not using)- for low cogniton needs, interdependent self image, when lesser info-processing opportunity
One/two sided
One (highlight pros only)- when target friendly, favours brand-held position, not receptive to opposing argument
Two (highlights both pros, cons)- when target unfriendly/critical/well educated, receptive to opposing claims, likely to see competitors (negative) counterclaim
Order effects
Reveal brand name early- builds memory, evokes association/attention
Persuasive appeals
Emotional (activates emotions; highlights hedonic benefits) vs. rational (factual info for utilitarian benefits)
Sophisticated consumers- better processing (/intent), recall
Less effective with women- suspicious, avoids advertising brand
Ensure believable, real negative elements of competing products
Too strong- ineffective; audience rejects, goes into denial
Depends on audience, time, place
Better memory, attention, appeal, comprehension
Does not increase persuasiveness, credibility
Sex- effective if relevant, not over distracting (impedes msg comprehension) in permissive society
Timely advertising- accounting audiences' feelings of prevailing economic/political/environmental situation
Audience participation- increases processing, better memory embedding and recall
Celebrity (e.g. testimonial, endorsement, commercial actor)- must match product
Sender (source)
Formal- vested interest e.g. organisation, endorser
Credibility factors- 3Ps
Celebrity endorsers
Match- product category, target demographics
Leverage image, attractiveness, credibility
Credibility influence efficacy- depends on product type, msg comprehension needs
Promotion- media, endorser, brand image
Impersonal comm
Effects measurement
Persuasion- msg received, understood, interpreted? e.g. physiological, attitudinal (survey), recall measures to gauge response aspects