Written in English in the 17th century by John Milton
The Biblical episode of the fall of man: The temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan.
The evil is hanging over mankind.
The sun is at the center of the Universe.
This poem is about God, Satan, Adam, and Eve.
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Ruler of Heaven; he is the defender of divine justice and free will.
He is the first human created by God.
She is the first woman and easily tempted.
God sits on his throne surrounded by the nine orders of Angels.
Published in 1667
A war between God and Lucifer (Satan)
Lucifer tries to corrupt humankind
God throws Satan out of Heaven.
It tells of Adam and Eve's fall from innocence and Satan's war with God.
In antithesis with God´s world
The believes in Divine Providence
Main Theme
Archangel; he guides Adam and Eve out of Paradise.
Main Characters
Sin and Death
He combines Paganism, Christianity and Greek classic.
Language is very elevated.
An epic poem with no rhyme.
The Serpent finds Eve alone, and she...asks how he attained to human speech.
The serpent, now bolder, with many wiles and inducements induces her at length to eat.
Satan returns into Paradise and enterns into the Serpent sleeping.
Adam and Eva eat the forbbiden fruit. Now, they can see that they are nakedness.
Eve proposes Adam to divide in several places.
Eve...urges her going apart; Adam at last yields.
The Serpent answers that by tasting f a certain tree in the Garden.
Eve finds it to be the Tree of Knowledge forbidden.
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He declares war against Paradise
Ruler of Hell and enemy of God.
Developed by: Verónica Abad, John Rivera, German Quilambaqui