Regulation of waste product removal:Kidney excreate waste by filtering blood and producing urine.Excess ions, Na+,K+, Ca+,Mg+,Cl-,Hco3,phosphate,metabolites waste and drug metabolites are excreated from the body through the kidney.
Nursing assessment: dry itchy skin,mental confusion,muscle cramp,decrease appetite, weight loss, high blood pressure,anemia
Nursing interventions: Monitor vital signs. Perform the necessary blood tests as ordered. Encourage the patient to have a low protein diet. Start a food chart. Weight daily.
Refer to a dietician for food management. Change lifestyle patterns.
Nursing diagnosis: Ineffective Renal Tissue Perfusion related glomerular malfunction to secondary to chronic renal failure as evidenced by increase in lab results (BUN, creatinine, uric acid, eGFR levels)