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Foreign Language Basic Competences - Coggle Diagram
Foreign Language Basic Competences
Comptence 2: Planificar i produir textos orals de tipologia diversa adequats a la situació
comunicativa ..
sample phrases / key vocabulary
connectors for agreement / disagreement / adding ...
pair / group work
solving missunderstandings / problem solving
creating / planning different kind of real life situations
enabling and reinforcing interaction
Competència 8. Produir textos escrits de diferents tipologies i formats aplicant estratègies de textualització.
Create different situations that promote writing about diverse topics
Provide similar texts to the ones we want to produce in class
Providing linkers and connectors
Transforming one type of text into another
Providing the necessary vocabulary that will be needed for the specific topic we want to write about
Reading in class and making sure that the texts are understood
• Adequació, coherència i cohesió.
• Estratègies d’interacció escrita.
• Producció creativa.
• Ús de diccionaris.
• Pragmàtica.
• Lèxic i semàntica.
• Morfologia i sintaxi.
Competence 5: Interpretar els trets contextuals, discursius i lingüístics d’un text i reconèixer lasevatipologiapercomprendre’l
using their own words to explain the text afterwards
Comprensió escrita: global, literal, interpretativa i valorativa.
• Estratègies de comprensió escrita. • Pragmàtica.
• Lèxic i semàntica.
• Morfologia i sintaxi.
distinguish the text structure
Identifying topic specific terminology before reading
Work with different types of texts
competence 11= understand and evaluate literary texts (authentic or adapted)
drama (play)
watch film based on a novel and read the novel + debate in class (film vs book)
Reading club: discussions in groups
learn about the context of a given literary work
read and understand newspaper reviews (art, films, etc)
Review: watch a film and read+create reviews
Competence 1: Obtain information and interpret oral texts about daily life, media, and academic settings
Combining informal and academic language
Showing different kinds of videos on diverse topics and accents
Setting specific tasks of exchanging information
Interacting with foreign classes
Exchange programs
Competence 6: Searching tools to comprehend texts and acquire knowledge
Identifying and showing different specialised texts
how libraries work
Showing them different dictionaries and how to use them
Terminology depending on the type of specialised text
Ways to look for information and identifying fake information
Lexicon, semantics, morphology and syntax
Competence 4. Aplicar estratègies de comprensió per obtenir informació i interpretar el contingut de textos escrits d'estructura clara de la vida quotidiana, dels mitjans de comunicació i de l'àmbit acadèmic
Identify key words
Identify the main idea of the text
Intentify specific aims in the reading
Previous brainstorming of the topic
Discussions or debates related to the topic
Organize main ideas and the secondary ones
Using reading strategies
Search for specific information related to the topic
Competence 3: Interacció oral - Iniciar, mantenir i acabar el discurs.
Little talks, monologues
Role plays, theatre
Debates on controversial topics
Stand up comedy
Presentations and audience questions
Argue and reach an agreement
Mimes to enhance non-verbal skills
Watch debates or talks and analyze them
Competence 10: Reproduir oralment, recitar i dramatitzar textos literaris adaptats o autèntics
Read carefully, understand, prepare
a coreography of a poem in pairs and represent it
Adaptation and performance of a theatre play
Competence 9: Revisar el text per millorar-lo segons el propòsit comunicatiu amb l'ajut de suports
Use dictionaries
Competence 7: Planificar textos escrits de tipologia diversa utilitzant els elements de la situació
Adequacy of the level of the text to the group.
Identify the aim of the task.
Think of the elements of the text.
Planification, generation and organisation of ideas.
Ability to write different text types and genres.
Scaffolding support
other supports: dictionaries
specific suports: visual support
Key contents
Cerca i gestió de la informació i la consulta lingüística.
Criteris de selecció i valoració de la informació.
Estratègies d’interacció escrita.
Estratègies per a la planificació.
Ús de diccionaris.