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mealpy.root_22102020 - Coggle Diagram
Import library
from numpy import where, clip, logical_and, maximum, minimum, power, sin, abs, pi, sqrt, sign, ones, ptp, min, sum, array, ceil, multiply, mean
from numpy.random import uniform, random, normal, choice
from math import gamma
from copy import deepcopy
Define classes
class Root:
""" This is root of all Algorithms """
Initial variables
ID_MIN_PROB = 0 # min problem
ID_MAX_PROB = -1 # max problem
ID_POS = 0 # Position
ID_FIT = 1 # Fitness
EPSILON = 10E-10
Initial class functions
(self, obj_func=None, lb=None, ub=None, problem_size=50, batch_size=10, verbose=True):
obj_func : function
lb : list
ub : list
problem_size : int, optional
batch_size: int, optional
verbose : bool, optional
self.obj_func = obj_func
if (lb is None) or (ub is None):
if problem_size is None:
print("Problem size must be an int number")
elif problem_size <=0:
print("Problem size must > 0")
self.problem_size = int(ceil(problem_size)) = -1 * ones(problem_size)
self.ub = 1 * ones(problem_size)
if isinstance(lb, list) and isinstance(ub, list) and not (problem_size is None):
if (len(lb) == len(ub)) and (problem_size > 0):
if len(lb) == 1:
self.problem_size = problem_size = lb[0] * ones(problem_size)
self.ub = ub[0] * ones(problem_size)
self.problem_size = len(lb) = array(lb)
self.ub = array(ub)
print("Lower bound and Upper bound need to be same length. Problem size must > 0")
print("Lower bound and Upper bound need to be a list. Problem size is an int number")
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.verbose = verbose
self.epoch, self.pop_size = None, None
self.solution, self.loss_train = None, []
Class defining functions
def create_solution(self, minmax=0):
""" Return the position position with 2 element: position of position and fitness of position
0 - minimum problem, else - maximum problem
position = uniform(, self.ub)
fitness = self.get_fitness_position(position=position, minmax=minmax)
return [position, fitness]
def get_fitness_position(self, position=None, minmax=0):
""" Assumption that objective function always return the original value
:param position: 1-D numpy array
:param minmax: 0- min problem, 1 - max problem
return self.obj_func(position) if minmax == 0 else 1.0 / (self.obj_func(position) + self.EPSILON)
def get_fitness_solution(self, solution=None, minmax=0):
return self.get_fitness_position(solution[self.ID_POS], minmax)
def get_global_best_solution(self, pop=None, id_fit=None, id_best=None):
""" Sort a copy of population and return the copy of the best position """
sorted_pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda temp: temp[id_fit])
return deepcopy(sorted_pop[id_best])
def get_sorted_pop_and_global_best_solution(self, pop=None, id_fit=None, id_best=None):
""" Sort population and return the sorted population and the best position """
sorted_pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda temp: temp[id_fit])
return sorted_pop, deepcopy(sorted_pop[id_best])
def amend_position(self, position=None):
return maximum(, minimum(self.ub, position))
def amend_position_faster(self, position=None):
return clip(position,, self.ub)
def amend_position_random(self, position=None):
for t in range(self.problem_size):
if position[t] <[t] or position[t] > self.ub[t]:
position[t] = uniform([t], self.ub[t])
return position
def amend_position_random_faster(self, position=None):
return where(logical_and( <= position, position <= self.ub), position, uniform(, self.ub))
def update_global_best_solution(self, pop=None, id_best=None, g_best=None):
""" Sort the copy of population and update the current best position. Return the new current best position """
sorted_pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda temp: temp[self.ID_FIT])
current_best = sorted_pop[id_best]
return deepcopy(current_best) if current_best[self.ID_FIT] < g_best[self.ID_FIT] else deepcopy(g_best)
def update_sorted_population_and_global_best_solution(self, pop=None, id_best=None, g_best=None):
""" Sort the population and update the current best position. Return the sorted population and the new current best position """
sorted_pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda temp: temp[self.ID_FIT])
current_best = sorted_pop[id_best]
g_best = deepcopy(current_best) if current_best[self.ID_FIT] < g_best[self.ID_FIT] else deepcopy(g_best)
return sorted_pop, g_best
def create_opposition_position(self, position=None, g_best=None):
return + self.ub - g_best[self.ID_POS] + uniform() * (g_best[self.ID_POS] - position)
def levy_flight(self, epoch=None, position=None, g_best_position=None, step=0.001, case=0):
epoch (int): current iteration
position : 1-D numpy array
g_best_position : 1-D numpy array
step (float, optional): 0.001
case (int, optional): 0, 1, 2
beta = 1
muy and v are two random variables which follow normal distribution
sigma_muy : standard deviation of muy
sigma_muy = power(gamma(1 + beta)
beta / 2) / (gamma((1 + beta) / 2)
power(2, (beta - 1) / 2)), 1 / beta)
sigma_v : standard deviation of v
sigma_v = 1
muy = normal(0, sigma_muy ** 2)
v = normal(0, sigma_v ** 2)
s = muy / power(abs(v), 1 / beta)
levy = uniform(, self.ub)
s * (position - g_best_position)
if case == 0:
return levy
elif case == 1:
return position + 1.0 / sqrt(epoch + 1)
sign(random() - 0.5)
elif case == 2:
return position + normal(0, 1, len( * levy
elif case == 3:
return position + 0.01 * levy
def levy_flight_2(self, position=None, g_best_position=None):
alpha = 0.01
xichma_v = 1
xichma_u = ((gamma(1 + 1.5)
1.5 / 2)) / (gamma((1 + 1.5) / 2)
((1.5 - 1) / 2)))
(1.0 / 1.5)
levy_b = (normal(0, xichma_u
2)) / (sqrt(abs(normal(0, xichma_v
2))) ** (1.0 / 1.5))
return position + alpha
(position - g_best_position)
def step_size_by_levy_flight(self, multiplier=0.001, beta=1, case=0):
multiplier (float, optional): 0.01
beta: [0-2]
0-1: small range --> exploit
1-2: large range --> explore
u and v are two random variables which follow normal distribution
sigma_u : standard deviation of u
sigma_u = power(gamma(1 + beta)
beta / 2) / (gamma((1 + beta) / 2)
power(2, (beta - 1) / 2)), 1 / beta)
sigma_v : standard deviation of v
sigma_v = 1
u = normal(0, sigma_u ** 2)
v = normal(0, sigma_v ** 2)
s = u / power(abs(v), 1 / beta)
if case == 0:
step = multiplier
elif case == 1:
step = multiplier
normal(0, 1)
step = multiplier * s
return step
def get_index_roulette_wheel_selection(self, list_fitness=None):
""" It can handle negative also. Make sure your list fitness is 1D-numpy array"""
scaled_fitness = (list_fitness - min(list_fitness)) / ptp(list_fitness)
minimized_fitness = 1.0 - scaled_fitness
total_sum = sum(minimized_fitness)
r = uniform(low=0, high=total_sum)
for idx, f in enumerate(minimized_fitness):
r = r + f
if r > total_sum:
return idx
def get_parent_kway_tournament_selection(self, pop=None, k_way=0.2, output=2):
if 0 < k_way < 1:
k_way = int(k_way * len(pop))
list_id = choice(range(len(pop)), k_way, replace=False)
list_parents = [pop[i] for i in list_id]
list_parents = sorted(list_parents, key=lambda temp: temp[self.ID_FIT])
return list_parents[:output]
def crossover_arthmetic_recombination(self, dad_pos=None, mom_pos=None):
r = uniform() # w1 = w2 when r =0.5
w1 = multiply(r, dad_pos) + multiply((1 - r), mom_pos)
w2 = multiply(r, mom_pos) + multiply((1 - r), dad_pos)
return w1, w2
This method won't be used in any algorithm because of it's slow performance
Using numpy vector for faster performance
def mutation_flip_point(self, parent_pos, idx):
w = deepcopy(parent_pos)
w[idx] = uniform([idx], self.ub[idx])
return w
Improved techniques can be used in any algorithms: 1
Based on this paper: An efficient equilibrium optimizer with mutation strategy for numerical optimization (but still different)
This scheme used after the original and including 4 step:
s1: sort population, take p1 = 1/2 best population for next round
s2: do the mutation for p1, using greedy method to select the better solution
s3: do the search mechanism for p1 (based on global best solution and the updated p1 above), to make p2 population
s4: construct the new population for next generation
def improved_ms(self, pop=None, g_best=None): ## m: mutation, s: search
pop_len = int(len(pop) / 2)
Sort the updated population based on fitness
pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda item: item[self.ID_FIT])
pop_s1, pop_s2 = pop[:pop_len], pop[pop_len:]
Mutation scheme
for i in range(0, pop_len):
pos_new = pop_s1[i][self.ID_POS] * (1 + normal(0, 1, self.problem_size))
fit = self.get_fitness_position(pos_new)
if fit < pop_s1[i][self.ID_FIT]: ## Greedy method --> improved exploitation
pop_s1[i] = [pos_new, fit]
Search Mechanism
pos_s1_list = [item[self.ID_POS] for item in pop_s1]
pos_s1_mean = mean(pos_s1_list, axis=0)
for i in range(0, pop_len):
pos_new = (g_best[self.ID_POS] - pos_s1_mean) - random()
( + random()
(self.ub -
fit = self.get_fitness_position(pos_new)
pop_s2[i] = [pos_new, fit] ## Keep the diversity of populatoin and still improved the exploration
Construct a new population
pop = pop_s1 + pop_s2
pop, g_best = self.update_sorted_population_and_global_best_solution(pop, self.ID_MIN_PROB, g_best)
return pop, g_best
def train(self):