What social, emotional, and psychological factors influence people to vote the way they do?

Begley "The Roots of Fear"

Motivating Question: How and why is fear used as a motivating tool for U.S. political campaigns?

Controlling Idea

Argument Point 1. Evidence? ✅

Argument Point 2 & Evidence

Haidt "The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives"

Black "Why People Vote the Way they Do?

Argument Point 3 & Evidence

Burgo "The Emotional Psychology of a Two-Party System"

Motivating Question

Controlling Idea

Gorvett "The Hidden Ways that Faces Shape Politics"

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Controlling Idea

Argument Point 1

Underlying Assumptions

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Argument Point 2

Argument Point 3

Underlying assumptions



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Reuters Summary

Controlling Idea

Underlying Assumptions

Argument Point 1

Argument Point 2

Argument Point 3

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Motivating Question

Controlling idea 1


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