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WBC - Coggle Diagram
shift of lymphos from MLP to CLP as result of inc blood flow and dec in lympho margination to endothel
lymphoprolif disorders
result of neoplastic prolif of lymphoid c, primarily involving blood/BM or tis
can vary widely in magnitude, altho typ mod to mk (>2.5x RI)
result of 1) shift of lymphos from CLP to other pools, and 2) dec lympho produc
acute inflamm
shift of lymphos from CLP to other pools (incl shift to MLP), inc emigr of lymphos into tis and LN
abnorm morph
morph variants of sm to med sized, thought to rep activ B c capable of producing Ig
produc and kinetics
early in life, produc focused in BM, liver, and thymus -> in adult ani, primary lyphoid tis (spleen and LN) take over
originate in primary lymphoid tis, but can enter/exit tis and recircu in body (unlike other leukos)
lymphoid tis
composed of lymphos w/in spleen, LN
periph are round c w round, centrally loc nucleus, scant basophilic cytoplasm, high N:C
diff sizes
smaller than neutro, most matu, most numerous (in health)
larger than neutro, lymphoblast if nucleolus present, and absent in periph blood of healthy ani
approx same size as neutro, uncommon in periph blood of healthy ani
caused by: 1) release of c from SNP, 2) release of c from matNP, 3) inc produc
inciting stim: infec, neoplasia, immu-medi dz, necrosis
steroid (stress)
caused by: 1) shift of neutros from MNP to CNP, 2) inc release of c from SNP to matNP
results from effects of catecholamines (fear, excitement, strenuous exercise) and is short lived, <1 hr
results from migr of neutros into tis overwhelms the CNP, MNP, SNP
effect is gen short lived (1-3 hrs after single exposure) and result of confounding factors = may not be present when seen by vet
dec produc
result from stem c injury (reversible or irreversible), disorders that disrupt BM microenviron, and disorders of ineffective produc
caused by chemotx, radiation, viruses, tickborne dz, neoplasms, immun-medi, BM necrosis or fibrosis, and other toxicities
abnorm morph
toxic change
severity graded 1+. 2+, 3+
altho commonly seen in inflamm, its absence should NOT be used to exclude inflamm consideration
infec agents
bact: morulae (Anaplasma, Ehrlichia)
protozoal: Hepatazoon, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, Toxoplasma
Pelger-Huet anomaly
hereditary disorder in dogs, cats, and Arabian horses
Chediak-Higashi synd
autosomal recessive disorder affecting Persian cats, Hereford cattle, mink, whale
heritable, lysosomal storage disorders in dogs and cats
compartments and pools
common pluripotent stem c -> myeloblast -> progranulocyte -> myelocyte -> metamyelocyte -> band neutro -> seg neutro
as mature, neutros become sm, nuclear chromatin condenses, and nuclei become elong and seg
myeloblast -> seg neutro takes 6-7 d in health, w inc stim/demand can be shortened to 2-5 d
periph blood
pools are dynamic, moving btwn CNP and MNP
lg, round c w abund blue grey cytoplasma and a varia shaped nuclei, occ vacuoles
kinetics and produc
one in tis, M0 can have a lifespan of yrs and are capable on division
mast c degranulation
degranul w/in sites of mast c inflamm (skin, GI, urinary tract, respir tract)
paraneoplastic - mast c and other neoplasms (lymphoma, carcinoma, fibrosarcoma)
Leukogram patterns
SNP, matNP, proNP adeq respond to inc periph blood demand
w chronicity, magnitude of L shift and severity of toxic change may dec as BM cont to compensate for periph demand
Species specific diff
classic steroid leukogram (matu neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytosis, eosinopenia) is most common in dog
Epi leukogrm seen more often, esp in young ani
CATTLE (ruminants)
w sig inflamm, not uncommon for cattle to become neutropenic or have a degener L shift in acute stages -> w time a neutrophilia often dev after BM produc has inc
lympho morph is varia w sm, med and lg
Mast c
produc and kinetics
once in tis, considered to be long lived c
inflamm dz
enteritis, dermatitis, pneumonia, pericarditis