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Explain the changing nature of the US involvement in Vietnam between 1963…
Explain the changing nature of the US involvement in Vietnam between 1963 and 1975
The United States' involvement in Vietnam began as an occupation strictly run by military advisors, but throughout the late 1960s and the early 1970s the intervention became an all-out war with more than 500,000 U.S. troops and non-stop aerial attacks.
During these first years of involvement, the US was primarily involved as military advisors to South Vietnam
There were 21,000 advisors from the US in Vietnam during this time
Diem's death augmented US support (little trust)
Kennedy death brought Johnson in, escalating the war.
US set up SEATO
if the French move out we don't want communism moving in
"will act in a unified manner using force is necessary to fight the spread of communism
After the death of JFK, LBJ brought escalation and the introduction of Ground Troops to the war front in Vietnam
Remembers that Truman was seen as the one who lost China and doesn't want a repeat
Gulf of Tonkin Incident August 1964
Ship was blown up unprovoked so troops move in
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (all 414 house voters)
Gives permission for LBJ to do whatever it takes to end it
Gives permission to not have to go to congress and ask for the power to take action against our enemies without declaring war
Would have risked direct conflict with USSR
1965 ground troops arrive, 200,000 by end of the year
North vietnam see this as war
target US bases, seize military equipment and take prisoners
Johnson raised US Budget in Vietnam to $2.4 billion in 1965
Operation rolling thunder in March of 1965
Beginning of napalm attacks and use of agent orange
Beginning of the 'air war'
More bombing of North Vietnam between 1965 and 1966 than Japan during WWII
American B-52's in Hanoi
Three main schools of-thought amongst historians about why the Cold War presidents got involved there
Orthodox interpretation
Geroge Herring (1997)
Saw the USA containing Communist aggression and expansion in Vietnam as having little choice but to do so
Revisionist interpretation
Gabriel Kolko
Emphasised aggressive and acquisitive US economic policies
Vietnam became important because a Communist, nationalist revolution there posed a threat to the global capitalist system
Post-revisionist interpretation
David Anderson
Saw the USA as motivated by a variety of reasons "geopolitical strategy, economics, domestic US politics and cultural arrogance
Why did involvement continue and escalate
David Haberstam
Suggested the 'quagmire theory'
US leaders became trapped in an expensive commitment in an unimportant area, unable to exit without losing credibility due to being ignorant of Vietnam and overconfident about American power and ideals
Leslie Gelb and Richard Betts (1979)
claimed that the USA continued and escalated the commitment not to win but to avoid being seen to lose by the American voters --> known as the Stalemate Theory
This period of time is said to be the peak of the US involvement in Vietnam
Tet Offensive, 36 of 44 provinces
NV and VC launched attacks south of the border so that they could lure SV and US troops away from major cities and bases
Left cities wide open, under defended
Took US and SV 3 weeks to drive back NV and VC
VC was able to take every major southern city
Created a sense of disbelief, anger and distrust of Johnson Administration
Changes in attitude for support of the VW
Use of the draft/conscription
Invaded American Embassy
Military loss for North Vietnamese, but Americans realized victory was not certain or imminent
My Lai Massacre, 500 civilian deaths, change in perspective, highlights the magnitude of American involvement.
USA + SV moved into a village where they expected the VC to attack, only encountered women, old people and childre
Killed all the people and animals in the village
Army War photographer with them at the time
550,000 troops
Johnson declared troop count would not increase
March 1968: discontinuation of bombing, LBJ agreed to send US representatives
April and October involved peace talks with North Vietnam
8 weeks after announcement, 3,700 Americans dead
Presidential campaign 1968, LBJ steps down, democrats are in-fighting
Nixon promises a lot more control
"Peace with honour"
Vietnamization in 1969
Application of the Nixon Doctrine
Process of withdrawing troops without looking like they have been defeated by NV and not letting SV fall to communism
Secret war in Cambodia and Laos
1970: Nixon begins bombing of Cambodia
1971: most airstrikes since 1968
1972: 69,000 troops bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong
1973: All US troops brought back, Paris Peace Accords
Partitioned Vietnam, North was aware of advantage
1975: Saigon captured, South falls to North.
Communism reigned