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Business Englich - Coggle Diagram
Business Englich
Phrasal verbs
figure something out
understand, find the answer
преодолеть что-то
recover from an illness, loss, difficulty
My boyfriend didn't want to go to the ballet, but he finally gave in.
обходиться без чего-то
When I was young, we went without winter boots
подвести кого-то
fail to support or help, disappoint
будьте осторожны, бдительны и обратите внимание
be careful, vigilant, and take notice
Company Vocabulary
accounts department, accounting department - department responsible for administering a company's financial affairs - also accounting department
A.G.M. - Annual General Meeting of a company's shareholders, where shareholders get an annual report on their company's performance and strategy
production department - department responsible for the manufacture, creation or crafting of products
chip in
- If everyone chips in we can get the kitchen painted by noon
do away with something - discard - покончить с чем-то, выбросить
null and void
refers to a contract or clause that’s invalid, non-binding or which has no legal force
appendix - extra material or additional content at the end of a book, contract, report etc
force majeure
an unforeseeable event such as a flood, earthquake, war etc used as an excuse for not fulfilling a contract agreement
On the one hand she works quickly, but on the other hand she makes mistakes.
If both parties agree, the contract can be altered - может быть изменен
- elaboration - the process of developing or presenting a theory, policy, or system in further detail.
obtain - get, acquire, or secure (something).
an opportunity to obtain advanced degrees
In case of discrepancies in the texts, the Russian text shall prevail - В случае расхождений в текстах, текст на русском языке имеет преимущественную силу.
Law Vocabulary
defendant - person or organization facing a criminal charge or other legal proceeding - defend - ответчик
jury - жюри, присяжные - a group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case and give a decision
lawsuit - иск, судебный процесс
plead - present and argue for (a position), especially in court or in another public context.
prosecutor - a lawyer, often a public official, who can file charges and try to prove a defendant's guilt in court - prosecute - прокурор, обвинитель
sentence - 1 decision of a court, esp. as to the punishment, 2 the punishment - also v.
solicitor - 1UK lawyer advising clients and briefing barristers, 2US law officer for a city - юрисконсульт
cost v. [cost, costed, costed] to estimate the price of making a product - costing n.
digital marketing
n. marketing through digital devices such as computers and smart phones; includes TV/radio by some definitions - also e-marketing
n. the delivering of products to end-users, incl. advertising, storing etc
end-user n.
the person, customer etc who is the final and actual (or "real") user of a product
If end-users aren't happy with the quality or price, they won't recommend it to their friends.
It only took one media story about child labour in a factory overseas to destroy the company's positive image.
n. small piece of paper, cloth etc on a product giving information about it
To find out how much sugar a drink contains, check the nutrition information on the label.
v. to introduce a new product, with publicity etc - product launch n.
If Kim launches a new line of clothing, she invites heaps of celebrities to the product launch.
market research
n. study of consumers' needs & preferences, often for a particular product
If a product's packaging is made of plastic, environmentally-aware consumers might not buy it.
point of sale
The advertising of cigarettes isn't allowed, even at the point of sale.
When creating products for teenagers, use cool designs that fit with today's teen culture.
public relations
When their CEO was caught sending racist e-mails, the company faced a public relations nightmare.
adj. officially recorded or listed (eg. as in "registered trademark" and its symbol ®) - to register v.
total product
n. in marketing, the whole product, inc. name, packaging, instructions, reliability, after-sales etc
This is a total product issue and you should raise it with Marketing, not Advertising.
Trademark n.
special symbol, design, word etc used to represent a product, brand or company
abbr. Annual General Meeting at which directors of a company or association present their annual report to shareholders or members
abbr. Any Other Business [usually the last item on a meeting's agenda, for raising topics not listed elsewhere]
adj. not here; not present [at a meeting, in a class, at work etc]
If someone doesn't come to the meeting, write "absent" next to their name.
n. a type of vote, usually in writing and usually secret- secret ballot n.
If the workers don't get a pay rise, they'll hold a ballot on whether to strike or not.
casting vote
It was a tie, so the chair used her casting vote to decide the matter.
chairman n.
the person who leads or presides at a meeting - also chairperson or chair [often preferred, esp. when referring to a woman]
n. formal meeting for discussion, esp. a regular one held by an organisation
At this year's conference, leading scientists will discuss the damaging effects of plastic waste.
There's a growing consensus among shareholders that the CEO's ten million-dollar performance bonus wasn't justified.
matters arising
The first item is matters arising, beginning with the wage rise proposed at last month's meeting.
proxy vote
n. a vote cast by one person for, or in place of, another person who isn't present
vote v.
to express an opinion in a group by voice, hand, in writing etc - also n. - to cast a vote v.
assessor - a person who calculates the value of something [eg: a building, car etc]
comprehensive / [of an insurance policy] all-inclusive; providing more complete protection - Comprehensive car insurance covers damage from things besides accidents, like floods, fire, vandalism, etc.
cover - he protection given by an insurance policy / If you're going to the US, you'll need extra cover for hospital bills
employer's liability - liability or responsibility of a firm for damage caused to one of its employees
goods in transit - property, merchandise or any goods in the process of being transported
liability - 1 the state of being liable, 2 anything for which a person is liable
loss adjuster - a person who assesses the amount of compensation arising from a claim - оценщик убытков
premium - a payment, usually monthly, yearly etc, for an insurance policy
risk - 1 chance or possibility of injury, loss etc, 2 person or thing causing risk
Money Vocabulary
A.T.M. - cash dispenser
You can pay by cash, credit card or smartphone.
cashier - n. person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, store etc
black market n.
If you change money on the black market you'll get a better exchange rate, but it's riskier.
exchange rate n. - the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another - also rate of exchange n.
inflation n.
If your bank's interest rates are lower than the rate of inflation, your savings will be worth less over time.
interest n..
money that a lender or bank depositor is paid for the use of their money, often at an agreed monthly or yearly rate
You get more interest from a fixed-term account, but you'll lose the interest if you take money out before the term's up
invest v.
put money into a business, buy shares or land, etc in order to make a profit investment n.
I'll invest half my savings in the stock market, and put the rest into low-risk government bonds.
petty cashUK n.
a cash fund for small, everyday expenses
If we need some milk or whatever, get the money from petty cash.
soft currency n.
If you're exporting, stipulate payment in a hard currency like the Euro or you might get a soft currency instead.
speculate v.
to make high-risk investments in business, foreign currency, land etc in the hope of quick profits - speculation n.
transaction n.
Selling a house is a complex transaction, so you'll need a real estate lawyer to do the legal work.
Sales Vocabulary
close v. to finalize a deal or sale; to make a sale
We can close the deal as soon as the customer accepts our usual terms and conditions.
in bulk - оптом, in large quantity, usually at a lower price
You get a much better deal if you purchase products in bulk, of course.
objection n. a reason given by a prospect for not buying - возражение n. причина, указанная потенциальным клиентом для отказа от покупки
overcome v. [-came, -come] to overcome an objection to show an objection is invalid; to beat an objection - преодолеть v. [-пришел, -пришел] преодолеть возражение, чтобы показать, что возражение недействительно; победить возражение
USP n. Unique Selling Proposition, a feature that makes a product or service stand out from its competitors, such as lowest price, highest quality, best design etc - also Unique Selling Point - Уникальное торговое предложение
wholesale v. to sell in bulk (as to a shop for resale to the public) - also оптовая продажа
- If you're wholesaling a product, the price you charge should be around half the recommended retail price that retailers will charge.
If you put money in your bank account, does the balance go up or down?
bank charges
If I withdraw money from an ATM machine, I have to pay $2.50 in bank charges.
If there isn't enough in my account for a purchase, I get an automatic overdraft
pay in
My salary gets paid in every month, and then I withdraw it as needed
equal - v. to be the same as [eg: 2 + 2 equals 4] = add up to something / Your purchases add up to $205.32
plus prep. 2 + 2 [is expressed as] two plus two
- Fifty-two plus nine is sixty-one, isn't it?
square - to multiply a number by the same number [eg: 3 squared = 9, or 32 = 9]
square root - a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives a certain number [eg: the square root of 9 is 3, or √9 = 3]
times - prep. 2 x 2 [is expressed as] two times two - see multiply
- I know that 7 times 8 equals 56 because we recited multiplication tables at school until we knew them by heart.
to the power of - multiplication of a number by itself [eg: 2 to the power of 3 (or 2 x 2 x 2) = 8]
- In arithmetic, "two to the power of three" is written as 23.
Import-Export Vocabulary
customs - 1 government tax or duty on imported goods, 2 officials who collect this tax
letter of credit - a letter from a bank authorising a person to draw money from another bank - аккредитив
merchandise / things bought and sold; commodities; wares - also v. - We import a range of merchandise, from clothes to furniture and electrical goods.
Property Vocabulary
development - an area of land, often subdivided, with newly-built houses or commercial buildings for sale or rent
estate (имущество) agent - a person whose business is to help clients buy, sell or rent property; real estate agent
freehold - свободное владение, the holding of land or property for an unlimited period of time
landlord - арендодатель, a man who owns an apartment, house, office etc and rents it out to tenants
the amount of money a tenant must pay (monthly, weekly etc) to stay in a house, apartment
- My greedy landlord is putting up the rent again!
to pay money regularly (monthly, weekly etc) for the use of a house, apartment, office
storeyUK - этаж, n. one of the levels of a building; floor; story
tenant - арендатор, n. a person who rents an apartment, house, office etc from a landlord
consensus refers to an idea or opinion that’s been agreed on by everyone - the committee still couldn’t come to a consensus
considerable - notably large in size, amount, or extent
skip - пропускать, перепрыгивать
insist - demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal
Management is concerned about the number of new competitors entering the market this year. Руководство обеспокоен
- The AIDA model lists the four stages consumers go through when being persuaded to buy something
- Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - the objective of all advertisements
feature - special characteristic of a product, usually leading to certain benefits
Newspapers Vocabulary
n. a text or piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine, news website, etc on any non-fiction subject
- a large-format newspaper, especially one with reliable news reports and opinion pieces by qualified experts and experienced contributors
- tabloid tabloid - a small-format newspaper, especially one with sensationalist stories
a state official who can stop publication of articles they find morally or politically offensive - censorship
critic n - a person who writes reviews of things like books, films, plays, food, wine etc
feature n. a special or regular article in a newspaper, usually displayed prominently
headline - n. 1) the title at the top of an article, 2) headlines the most important stories
the media - all the means of mass communication (newspapers, TV, radio, websites, etc)
sensationalism - n. low-quality journalism with stories made more shocking or exciting to attract more readers - sensationalist
Presentations Vocabulary
audience rapport - relationship of presenter with audience, esp. when good - взаимопонимание с аудиторией
- Have you got any tips on developing audience rapport when making a presentation?
body language - body movements, facial expressions and other non-verbal signs of a person's feelings and attitudes
- I could tell from his body language that he was nervous and self-conscious.
handout - anything (report, sample etc) handed or given to people at a presentation
In conclusion... - Typical phrase used to signal the summing up or final part of a presentation
- I'd like, in conclusion, to thank everyone for coming and wish you all the very best for the future.
To start with... - Typical phrase used to signal the beginning of a particular subject or topic
- To start with, let's put ourselves in the shoes of a customer and imagine the features we'd want the most.
Turning now to... - Typical phrase used to signal a change from one subject or topic to another
- Turning now to after sales service, how would we want to be supported as customers?
visual aids - things that one can show the audience in a presentation [eg: films, maps, charts etc]
- Good visual aids are especially important in technical and data-based presentations.
whiteboard - large, flat, white surface or board on which to write or draw with markers
- If you're eliciting ideas from the audience, list them on the whiteboard as you go.
Publishing Vocabulary
author n. the writer of a book, play, essay, article
bind v. [bound, bound] to fix pages of a book together after printing - binding
blurb - Аннотация n. short, promotional description of a book usually printed on the cover or dust jacket
contents n. a list near the front of a book or magazine showing all the sections or chapters it contains
fiction - беллетристика, n. stories about imaginary events and people
index n. an alphabetical list at the back of a book showing names, places, topics etc and the pages on which they're mentioned
non-fiction - научно-популярная литература n. informative writing about the real world, real events or real people
excess baggage
Airlines charge a lot to take excess baggage, so make sure your bags weigh less than whatever the limit is.
break down
stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
cut in
Кондиционер включается, когда температура достигает 22°C.
Employment Vocabulary
an organization that represents the interests of workers - labor unionUS n., trade unionUK n.
Welcome to our course
assessment - оценка
quizzes, peer assessed tasks - викторины,
задачи, оцениваемые коллегами.
convey - передавать, транспортировать (конвейер)
students tend to benefit a lot by participation - студенты, как правило, получают большую пользу от участия
peer review - evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field. - экспертная оценка
governments should adopt accrual-based accounting, instead of cash-based accounting.
Resume/CV Vocabulary
background n. the whole of one's education, training and experience
work history n. jobs held, including dates, positions etc; employment history/experience
bit - the basic binary unit for storing data in a computer, either 0 or 1 [binary digit]
Data transfer speeds are measured in bits per second, so the higher the number of bits, the faster your downloads
capable - having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing
- I'm quite capable of taking care of myself