Risks: 1. Global :recycle: ecological, geopolitical (foreign and domestic policies of States and political blocs, the impossibility of diplomatic settlement of conflicts, the growth of crime, terrorism, and corruption), economic (unemployment, uncontrolled migration, deterioration of the economic situation of the population, aggravation of social tension, strengthening of state regulation of economic processes, negative consequences of this regulation, instability of financial mechanisms and currency regulation), social (food shortage, poverty, gender inequality, diseases and the inability to find a vaccine for them, income inequality), technological (cyber attacks, theft and illegal use of personal data) Country level :red_flag: Regions :black_flag: долгая суровая зима, низкие температуры, резкие перепады темпаратуры, недостаток солнечного света, низкое давление, все влияет не только на человека, но и на природу, почту, бедная флора и фауна, все эти факторы влияют на продуктивность на производительность и т д. Local :checkered_flag: Personal :silhouette: health, travel, lifestyle, info, bullying, shopping