My contributorship profile




Iike to do art and craft work this helps me to enchance my thinking ability and find different solutions for the problems.

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I am able to finish my work on time this help me to reliable and trustworthy person.


Able to adapt and operate new technologies realated to physiotherapy field.


Communication skills

Can communicate with the patients easily and make them understand the clinical conditions and therapy easily. This helps me to get accurate diagnosis and to understand patients outcome.


Coordinate with my other team members this helps in gaining effective patient service.


Helps me to built self belief and also in providing better and effective treatment to the patients.

Self management

Helps me to built confidence and integrity and also finding productive and effective solution for problems.

Research and reasoning skills

Like to read article on different topics using different search tools. This helps in keeping myself up-to-date with new research in physiotherapy field.


Like learn and research new technologies and clinical techniques related to the physiotherapy field.

Able to use IFT , ultrasound, TENS machines while treating patients.

Can treat the patients in the given time allotted and also complete the work given by faculties on time .

Done research work on the latest advancements in prosthoses and orthoses form pubmed and pedro

Making useful things out of waste and decorate the place