-健康照護相關肺炎(HCAP):90天內住院超過2天 or 30天內接受過針劑抗生素治療 or 住在安養院或長期照護機構 or 傷口照護 or 化療 or 洗腎的病人
Diagnosis and Assessment: s/s+CXR(:star:)
-Other common features are gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and mental status changes. Chest pain occurs in 30 percent of cases, chills in 40 to 50 percent, and rigors in 15 percent. Because of the rapid onset of symptoms, most individuals seek medical care within the first few days
-atypical(Legionella,Mycoplasma,Clamydia,virus):presentation vary from insidious to acute.
-s/s in CAP
-Clinical and imaging feature do not distinguish typical from atypical
-On physical examination, approximately 80 percent are febrile, although this finding is frequently absent in older patients, and temperature may be deceptively low in the morning due to normal diurnal variation. A respiratory rate above 24 breaths/minute is noted in 45 to 70 percent of patients and may be the most sensitive sign in older adult patients; tachycardia is also common. Chest examination reveals audible crackles in most patients. Signs of consolidation, such as decreased or bronchial breath sounds, dullness to percussion, tactile fremitus, and egophony are present in approximately one-third.
-While the clinical features outlined above support the diagnosis of pneumonia, no clear constellation of symptoms and signs has been found to accurately predict whether or not the patient has pneumonia [5,6]. As an example, the sensitivity of the combination of fever, cough, tachycardia, and crackles was less than 50 percent when chest radiograph was used as a reference standard
-physical examination
-The radiographic appearance of CAP may include lobar consolidation and interstitial infiltrates and/or cavitation
-15% case miss(subtle infiltrate)
Therapeutic options
1.severity evaluation
urea>7 mmol/L
respiratory rate>30/min