Depending on numbers, students split into two groups [inner circle & outer circle]. The room is set up in a circle or horseshoe. Inner circle will discuss a topic or text - teacher may facilitate, but it is up to students to provide questions and discussion. THE GOAL IS CURIOUS DISCUSSION. Students might agree or disagree with arguments, provide evidence from the text, provide links to other bits of text etc. This is where 'elenchus' occurs, whereby a students' hypotheses are scrutinised, and they are forced to use evidence. Once inner circle has finished, the outer circle provides feedback on the discussion [metacognition], and suggests avenues of conversation that the inner circle left out. Ultimately, a Socratic discussion is not a debate, but seeks to have students work together to construct meaning (Grondin, 2018; Jensen, 2015; Delic & Becirovic, 2016).