Issues Related to Poverty and hunger

India's food challenges


Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey 2016-2018 -

40 million children - chronically malnourished
half of Indian women aged - 15-49 years are anaemic

Climate Change


Threat to agrobiodiversity effects everything from productivity to livelihood


Pest Attack

Locust attack



Drought and flood tolerant varieties

Weather based agricultural advisories

Promoting other crops - millets

Focusing on small scale irrigation

Agriculture in India

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Excessive use of chemical fertilizers - soil degradation, rapid depletion of ground water table and loss of agrobiodiversity

Fragmentation of land holdings.

86% farmers have less than 2 ha of land

Unsustainable farming practices

Way forward to build Sustainable food systems

Shift to sustainable practices in agriculture and allied sectors

Govt., pvt sectors, civil society and local communities must work together to achieve 0 hunger

stop wastage. 1/3 rd of food we produced is wasted