Ottoman Empire: a caliphate that had a large population of Turks, Greeks, and Bulgarians, but also included people such as Jews, Nubians, Serbians, Albanians, Lurs, and Toaregs. It was extremely diverse, but it was very violent, segregated, and discriminatory as well
There was probably a lot of religious and cultural freedom in the Ottoman Empire; Greece, Turkey and Israel have completely different religions and cultures today, and large groups of people from these countries populated the empire
The Ottoman Empire had a very distinguished social power hierarchy; Sultan and his wife were rulers of the empire, while other classes included educated lawyers, doctors, etc, highly honored and respected soldiers of the army, "men of negotiation" who produced or traded goods, and farmers who produced food for the empire
There was a mutual relationship between the Ottomans and the tens of thousands of Jewish refugees taken into their empire; while the Jews now had a place to live and start a new life, the Ottomans gained a flood of new people, cultures, and ideas, leading to an increase in their expansion and advancement
After reading the article, it seems that the Ottomans tried to take in people from as many different religions as possible; even though non-Muslims had to pay a jizya tax, there was great religious freedom and all different types of people prospered.
The Ottoman's expansion was a combination of conquering lands and defeating other powerful empires and letting other groups of people seek refuge in their lands; this brought a great amount of both cultural and territorial expansions
One extremely important factor of the Ottoman's expansion was gaining control of Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina, which are some of the most important religious cities in the world; by doing this, the empire could not only gain recognition and important status from other empires, but attract people from different religions who may have new knowledge or wealth