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Ray Optics And Instruments - Coggle Diagram
Ray Optics And Instruments
1) Definition
2) The interesting point about how the speed changes even when frequency is the same.
Snell's Laws
a) How do you represent μ of 2nd w.r.t 1st medium
by symbol.
b) how is that related to speed and absolute μ and sin value formula and
wavelength in the 2 media
c) What properties of light change and what remain constant during refraction?
d) What does value of μ depend upon? (3).....what does it not depend upon also?
e) Unit of μ
Important points
a) Why should optical density not be confused with mass density? Give example.
b) Reciprocal relation of μ
c) That formula which is very useful in finding the r.f of the middle medium when the first and last are given or btw the first and last when all 3 are given.
d) Formula for deviation.
e) Optical path:
i) Definition
ii) Formula of optical path (How do you derive it?)
f) Cauchy's formula
Refraction through a Glass slab
1) What is the principle of reversibility of light?
2) How do we prove that the emergent ray is parallel to the incident light ray in a glass slab? (There is one major equating step.)
3) What is lateral shift? Give it's formula (try to find it's derivation too)
4) Special cases (for above formula) : i) when i=r=0
ii) when i and r are very small.
iii) What can we conclude from this formula?
5) Refraction through multiple slabs:
i) What are the 2 conditions required for emergent and incident ray to be parallel?
ii) If possible show how the i and i' are equal in this case also.
iii) Also the multiple refractive index formula.
Real and Apparent Depth
1) Draw a rough diagram depicting this phenomenon. (Denser to rarer and vice versa)
2) What is the main assumption we take in proving this formula.
3) What are the final formulas. (2). In each one the refractive index is taken differently.
4) What is the normal shift formulas also in both cases?
5) Understand the the r.f w.r.t the mediums used.
6) When is shift -ve and +ve?
7) The beaker filled with many transparent liquids case:
i) What is the apparent depth formula?
ii) What is the shift formula?
8) Formula for shift when a transparent glass block of thickness t is placed in the path of light.
(Note: There is a difference between this shift and lateral shift.
Critical angle
1) Definition
2) How did it become sinC = 1/μ ?
3) There is 1 condition only under which it can happen. What?
Total Internal Reflection
1) Definition
2) 2 conditions need to be met in order for T.I.R to happen. What are they?
3) What laws do these rays obey?
4) The fish FOV sum:
i) Draw a rough sketch of what you think happens
ii) What are the formulas for radius, height, perimeter and Area of FOV.
(Note: Read the points box on page 68. V.I.P
5) T.I.R in applications:
i) Uses in prisms that bend light by 90 and 180 and flip image too.
ii) Optical fibre
iii) Mirage. (What is the main reason for it?)
iv) Why does diamond shine so much? (Hint Low C)
v) Endoscopy and Arthroscopic injuries.
Reflection In Spherical Mirrors
Focal Length
a) f of concave and convex Mirror
b) Focal Plane
c) Proving f = R/2
Mirror Equation
a) What is the main step in the formula
b) Express the Formula
c) Lateral magnification Formula......How did the -ve sign come?
d) m formula in terms of f. (the cool u under and v on top trick)
e) Areal Magnification formula
Uses of Spherical Mirrors (4 - concave and 2 - convex) and and a special phenomenon)
Laws of Reflection
a) Sign Convention
b) What is the Reference Point
Location, Size and Nature Of Image formed by Spherical Mirrors. (Concave and Convex).
Important Notes :
a) Focal Length in different mediums
b) When is magnification = +ve and -ve?
c) Identifying Mirrors based on image
d) Virtual Objects and Real Objects . What is the difference between the images formed by them.
e) When are they formed?
f) Velocity of the object and Image at each point.
g) Do we substitute the signs at the beginning of the sum or at the end?
Optical Instruments
1) Draw a rough diagram of the eye.
2) Which structure controls the aperture?
3) How does the retina help us to see?
4) Define accommodation. Which structure helps the eye lens in accommodation?
5) Define Least distance of distinct vision. What is the value of D?
6) How does it vary with age? What is this condition called in old people. How can it be corrected?
7) Eye Defects:
i) Nearsightedness, Farsightedness and Astigmatism:
ii) What does the patient suffer from?
iii) Why is it caused?
iv) What lens can we use to correct it?
v) What will be the sign of power of lens?
Refraction at Spherical surfaces (Mirrors and lenses)
1) Draw a concave and convex refracting surface and show how refraction happens there.
2) What is the sign convention of u, v, f and R
3) What happens when the object is placed at f?
4) What is the final formula? (Give a jist of the derivation)
5) Example sums 20, 21 and 22 on Pg 74
Refraction by Lenses
1) What is a lens? Name the different types.
(Which one is diverging and which is converging?)
2) Why do we study only thin lenses?
3) Terms:
i) Optical centre
ii) Principal axis
iii) Principal focus
iv) Focal Length(for which lens is it +ve and -ve?)
4) Lens makers Formula
i) What previous basic formula do we use to obtain this one?
ii) Explain the procedure they assumed happened to prove this formula and try to derive it.
iii) What formula for f did they end up with?(remember w.r.t the medium we represent μ)
iv) What is the final formula and how did it become like that?
5) Lateral or Transverse Magnification:
i) What is the formula?
ii) Why is it different from the spherical mirrors formula?
iii) What does +ve and -ve m indicate?
iv) m in terms of u, f and v (state how the formulas are different from spherical mirrors.
Images formed by convex and concave lens (8 diagrams)
1) How are the lens related to spherical mirrors in their mode of action?
2) Special Cases:
i) f of biconvex GLASS lens of equal R
ii) f of biconcave GLASS lens of equal R
iii) f of planoconvex GLASS lens of equal R
3) How does the μ of the medium affect the focal length of lens? (it's the Fm > Fa big note thing in the txtbook.
4) What is the relation between Fm and Fa for a glass medium with μg.
Power of a Lens
1) Definition
2) Formula
3) What is the most important thing we gotta keep in mind while writing formula?
4) Combination of lenses
i) What is the formula for combined power and focal length WITH AND WITHOUT space between the lenses.
ii) How did we prove it?(Similar to how we proved the lens makers formula)
iii) Under what condition is this formula valid? How do we need to solve the problem otherwise?
iv) Note box on Pg 82.
Refraction through a prism
1) What is a Prism?
2) Terms:
i) Refracting edge
ii) Refracting angle/ Angle of prism
Derivation of Refractive Index and Minimum Deviation of a prism
1) Draw the diagram.
2) What can you make out of it?
3) Angle of Minimum Deviation:
i) Definition of angle of deviation and min deviation
ii) How does i and delta vary (Draw graph)
iii) What is the significance of 2 values of i for 1 value of delta?
iv)What conditions can we see being fulfilled at angle of minimum deviation? (3) and subsequently how can we find A, delta m and μ using these conditions?
4) Formulas and Relations:
i) Between angles of refraction(r1 and r2)) and Angle of Prism.(A)
ii) Between i, e, A and delta.
iii) Between μ, A and delta m (prism formula)
How did we get the 3rd formula?
5) Small Angled Prism:
i) How does the prism formula change when we use a small angled prism?
ii) Upto what value of A is the thin lens formula valid?
iii) What conclusion can we draw from this?
Dispersion in a Prism
1) How is refractive index and wavelength related?
2) Using above relation find which colour is deviated most and least and has the highest μ.
3) Terms:
i) Dispersion
ii) Electromagnetic Spectrum
Natural Phenomena Due to Sunlight
1) Rainbow:
i) How is a rainbow formed and what in direction should the sun be w.r.t the observer to witness it?
ii) Types of Rainbows(2):
iii) Explain the process behind each type
iv) Which colour is on top and below in each type?
2) Scattering of Light:
i) Definition
ii) Why is scattering caused? What role do the particles play?
iii) Explain Rayleigh's rule. What can we conclude from this? i.e. which colour is scattered the most?
iv) When is Rayleigh's rule applicable and what happens when it is not (white clouds)?
v) Explain w.r.t scattering:
a)Blue sky
b) Orange sun at sunset but white sun at noon