Origins of Crime & Violence in Sexual Disorders: Using Paraphilias to Understand, Manage, and Predict Crime& Case Material & Sexual Disorders and Violence

Orgasmic conditioning process

fantasy and rehersal

compulsive genital stimulation

Psychopathia Sexualis

one of the earliest comprehensive collections of sexual deviancy

landmark in the literature


intended for doctors, lawyers, judges exclusively

used technical and latin terms to prevent common readers from understanding

238 cases are presented related to sexual disorders

general pathology

special pathology

legal aspects

General Pathology

Rapist and Lust murderers

Relationship between sexual disorder and crime cases

sexual instinct outside the period of anatomical-physiological process of reproduction

example: sexual desire in childhood/old age

absence of sexual instinct

pathological exaggeration




umbrella term: antipathic sexual instinct


anaesthesia sexualis



Case 27

30 year old soldier achieved sexual achieved sexual gratification by stabbing girls with pocketknives or penknives in abdomen or genitals

Case 28

Man attacked young girls on the street by stabbing them in upper arm with dagger. Caused him to ejaculate

Case 23

A man repeatedly dug up human corpses, removed the entrails, then masturbated

Case 15

20 year old man found with the forearm of missing 4 year old girl in bis pocket, cooked head and entrails on stove

Evidence concluded he had sexually assaulted then murdered the child

11 lust murders

10 postmortem mutation

4 also committed anthropophagy

2 engaged in necrophilia

4 cut/stabbed girls (often in public)


largely premeditated

not impulsive

mostly non-violent

access to victim affects frequency, severity, and number

characterized by lack of insight and cognitive distortions

allow them to deny or minimize behavior

Sexually aggressive child molesters

more impulsive offenses

stranger victims

higher incident of completed intercourse


begin during formative development

predispositional factors affect early attachment

experienced sexual, psychological, or physical trauma

dysfunctional family

Cyclical paraphilic process

unsuccessful psychosocial development

low self-esteem

inability to form social relationships

fantasies instead of relationships

begin with paraphilic stimuli and fantasy

images provide relief from internal failure


reinforced by orgasm

Paraphilia types






sexual contact with dead body

intense desire to beat, whip or club someone

intense desire to stab, wound, or cut flesh

desire to eat flesh or body parts of another

sexual homicide (lust murder)