Introduction to The Malaysian Land Law In Malaysia
Customary Land Law
Torrens System
The Deeds System
Sahrip Mitchel
Tax System
Registration of Merchant Ship
What is ?
The defects
Registration of Dealings
Registration is based on land, not on individual person.
Indefeasibility of Title
3 Characteristics
Mirror Principles
Curtain Principles
Insurance Principles
National Land Code and the Federal Constitution
Land matters under State List
State Legislative Assembly
why Parliament pass NLC?
Position of customary law after NLC?
click to edit
Malacca Customary Law
Land under Adat Perpatih & Adat Naning
Appilcation of English Equitable Principles into MLLS?
No application, S 6 CLA
Yes, Wilkins v Kannamal
Essential Legal Concepts
Ownership V Possession
Title v Interesr
Legal Interest v Equitable Interest
Disposal V Dealings