Is Social Media a Force of Good?
Yes! It is a force of good! I will tell you why....
No! It isn't a force of good! I will tell you why....
One of social media's main benefits is staying connected to people arround the world. I can connect with my Aunt in America easily because of social media. I can know all her news online. It helped me stay connected to her. This involves also many people arround the world, who has a connection to their relatives and friends easily and online.
Social media also lets us know more about the world. For example, a snapchat celebrity travlled to Norway. I get to know more about the country, and what could be done in it, and many other stuff.
Social Media improved our life since it was made, and this includes all of it's platforms. Every platform benefits us in a certain way, to help make our lives easier.
Not only it helps people connect to people they know, it also helps them make their social circle bigger, since they meet new people on social media apps, which is very helpful for people who don't have such a social life.
Now, most of us keep using there social media platforms either watching videos or chitchatting with different people, but never really get to have a real communication, a face to face communication with other people. We are rarely talking to each other, since we are always using these silly phones. Many people get to know unreal friends from other countries on there phones, and claim that they are just normal friends while they are not because both sides never had a proper face to face converstaion.
With the time we waste on social media, we lose huge opportunities to meet new people, who may be real friends who would stand with you!
Many platforms on Social Media distract us from healthy things and are mainly a waste of time. We no longer communicate like before, now we sit in a room filled with devices instead of a room filled or healthy brains and book, all due to these different platforms.
In the time we waste on the social media platforms, we can read books and educational magazines, where we could learn different facts about the world we live in.
Also if I want to make any certain thing, all what I should do is check pinterest or instagram where I will find a million different ideas to apply.
Debate: on the left is the text of a certain team supporting their team or attacking the other team, and on the right is the other team defending itself.
Argument 1
Argument 2
Team Against Social Media: Well, I totally disagree with you. Many platforms on Social Media distract us from healthy things and are mainly a waste of time. We no longer communicate like before, now we sit in a room filled with devices instead of a room filled or healthy brains and book, all due to these different platforms, and don't forget what type of stuff teenagers face because they use social media way too much, and some may have some mental effects on them, and these things are like cuber bullying, lack of emotional connection, having awkward face to face interactivity, and sometimes may lead to suicide.
Argument 3
Team Against Social Media: Now, most of us keep using there social media platforms either watching videos or chitchatting with different people, but never really get to have a real communication, a face to face communication with other people. We are rarely talking to each other, since we are always using these silly phones. Many people get to know unreal friends from other countries on there phones, and claim that they are just normal friends while they are not because both sides never had a proper face to face converstaion.
Team Against Social Media: Well, there are better ways to learn about the world. You have magazines and books, which at least don't hurt your eye, and studies say that people understand the piece of information way better when they read it on a book than when they see it on a youtube video or any social app way of presenting.
Argument 4
Team that supports social media: Social media also lets us know more about the world. For example, a snapchat celebrity travlled to Norway. I get to know more about the country, and what could be done in it, and many other stuff.
Team Against Social Media: In the time we waste on the social media platforms, we can read books and educational magazines, where we could learn different facts about the world we live in. Also spending too much time on the social media seeing people doing different ideas, makes us lose our creativity, since we are only seeing people doing ideas but never bother to make any of them.
Team that supports social media: Well, there are modern ways of presenting the information, which lets the person understand the information in an easier and more fun way, and enjoy hearing the information instead of getting bored while reading it, and social media doesn't let people lose their creativity. It gives them new ideas to mix with their own ideas, to have a more different and creative idea.
Team that supports social media: Social Media improved our life since it was made, and this includes all of it's platforms. Every platform benefits us in a certain way, to help make our lives easier.
Spending too much time on the social media seeing people doing different ideas, makes us lose our creativity, since we are only seeing people doing ideas but never bother to make any of them
Team that supports Social Media: Well, you're phrasing this in a very different way than it really should be phrased. One of social media's main benefits is staying connected to people arround the world. I can connect with my Aunt in America easily because of social media. I can know all her news online. It helped me stay connected to her. This involves also many people arround the world, who has a connection to their relatives and friends easily and online.
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