Unicef (defends the childrens rights)


Governments provide two-thirds of the organization's needs.

Private groups and individuals provide the remainder through national committees.


was created on December 11, 1946

As a temporary auxiliary organization to assist children, including those affected by World War II

In 1953, the UN made the organization permanent and expanded the range of its activities



The fund's representative office in Moscow was opened in 1997

the programs “Child protection”, “Youth health and development”, “Early development”, “Child-friendly cities” are being implemented

There is also a UNICEF program in the North Caucasus, the office is located in the city of Vladikavkaz.


The main sources of funds for the fund are annual voluntary contributions from governments, which provide two-thirds of the income

The annual voluntary contribution from Russia since 2006 is 1 million US dollars

The Catalan club annually pays 1.5 million euros to the fund from its own budget to help children.

Total UNICEF income for 2015 was USD 5,009,557,471.

operates thanks to contributions from governments and private donors

The United Nations Children's Fund does not share support for mothers and children.

The main goals of the United Nations Children's Fund until 2010:

reduction of mortality among children under 5 years of age by 1/3;

a 50% reduction in maternal mortality

to give primary education to 80% of children.

Where do they work

UNICEF Country Offices and Program Office are located in 21 countries and territories in the Europe and Central Asia region

Countries where work with refugees and migrants is carried out

Regional networks

For those who want to work with UNICEF

coats of arms


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A day at the UNICEF office can mean a lot: a conversation with a 14-year-old ex-soldier about what he went through

seeking funding to provide children with vital necessities in an emergency

tireless efforts to combat a deadly disease.

Responsibilities of our staff

State of the world's children

Nearly 1 billion people live on less than $ 1.90 a day, and half of them are children

149 million children worldwide have physical disabilities