CBI-Content Based Instruction :

Refers to an approach to second language teaching

Is used with a variety of different meanings in language

We learn or communicate through language rather than the language

A popular one both within language teaching


Learners’ needs for learning a second language.

Focus on the comprehension and expression second language

Language as a means of acquiring information

Theory of language

Grammar is a resourse for comunicating content.

Lexis is central in integrating languague and content.

Languague is text and discourses-based.

Languague use draws on integrate skills.

Theory of learning

Negotiation is important role in understanding content.

Comprehension is a necessary.


Learning is facilitated by corrective feedback.

Learning of both content and language is facilitated by dialogic talk.

Prior knowledge is important in CBI.

Learner roles

Understand their own learning process

Is in the “learning by doing” school of

learners to become autonomous

Learners are expected to be active interpreters of input

need to be prepared both psychologically and cognitively

Mind Map:CBI-Content Based Instruction

Professor: Diagna Sevilla

The role of teachers

Using group work and team-building techniques

Helping students develop coping strategies

Using appropriate error correction techniques

Varying the format of classroom instruction

CBI Course

click to edit

Sheltered model

Adjunct model

Theme- based model

Skills- based model

Student: Stephany Michell
López Zelaya
ID: 0801-1996-20450

Theory and Methods in TESOL