Credits exhausted but SLA not expired
Whatsapp notification
- Tell the recruiter that wallet balance is zero so only inbound applications will keep coming till <validity>
- To connect with these candidates candidates can do topups or purchase SLA
- Topups option in notif only
- Clicking on a single topup, redirect to list of topups and then let him open razorpay
Goes to topup page
Opens Home in app
Sticky component on each active job
News flash kind of component
- Option to directly topup to contact inbound applicants (starting from 20 INR)
- Wallet balance is zero but jobs are active till <validity> as plan is active. Topup to connect with the inbound applications.
Job details
Application stats
Wallet balance
Active SLAs
If zero and SLA active then Topup option
Goes to contacted tab
Tries to contact an inbound application
If credits exhausted but SLA is active
Popup telling the situation
- Tell that "Your wallet balance is zero. As your plan is active this job is still receiving applications. To contact this candidate, topup your wallet balance with as low as 20 rupees or purchase a SLA. Two CTAs"
Goes to Applied filter
Same sticky component to topup
SMS or push notification
Goes to topup page
SLA validity expired
Remove all sticky components and redirections to topup page.
Popup of inbound application to ask to only recharge with SLA
If by mistake someone lands on topup page then tell that no SLA is active hence would need to purchase SLAs and show SLAs on this page only.
SLA purchased
Deactivate the topup
- In case of multiple plans, jobs will get paused only when plan gets expired.
- When multiple plans are there then only oldest jobs corresponding to the now expiring plan will be paused
- Notifications to go to recruiter saying that now the plan is expiring so {job1},{job2} will be paused. Purchase a plan or hide other jobs to keep these active
- If only one plan and it expires then similar notification as above
Inbound or Outbound
Wallet balance = 0
At least one SLA active
Issue user specific SLA
click to edit