Identifying and Helping a Struggling student

Initial concern

Consult with team and gather information to determine disability potential

Approach learning support and EAL to determine potential roots

In international school it might be prudent to determine if the problem is English related or a potential disability the requires special education

Notify parents and arrange meeting with parents, teachers, and learning support

If the problem is deemed to be an English problem, proceed with EAL support

Student evaluation with psychologist and specialists

Involve parents in the process. Inform them of possible actions and guide them towards evaluation services. Create a supportive environment that emphasizes that getting an evaluation and decided on strategies to improve the child's education is in the child's best interest

The exact condition of the child is to be determined in order to proceed with learning strategy development

Learning strategy development with special education teachers, parent(s), and general education teachers

Once all information on the individual is gathered and understood, the teachers involved make an IED based on the students needs, in collaboration with the student's parents

Implementation, monitoring, and feedback of IED

Once the implementation of the IED begins, special education and general education teachers monitor progress and suggest alterations or modifications if necessary

Long term progress evaluation and recording of strategy results for professional development

Teachers constantly evaluate progress, and progress over the long term is recorded and evaluated. Success are recorded, studied and used in professional development for future cases in order to improve future diagnoses and IED programs

By David Allan Bezuidenhout

-Parekh, R., M.D., M.P.H. (n.d.). What is Intellectual Disability? Retrieved July, 2017, from




