How did the woman and men of the depression find relief from their hardships in the popular culture?



literature/ arts


American way to escape problems they were facing during the great depression

African American writer would rather would capture African American during the depression. Richard Write had a novel called Native son. This literature became a reading for civil rights activists during the 40's 50's and 60's

2/3 people had a radio by the year 1935

bob hope was a comedian Jake benny and will Roger were watched for entertainment

government funded for arts history for the first time

jazz and swing was a genre of music that was farely popular during this time

movies helped people from their hardships

they were usually looking for something to distract them

Carson wells was a radio actor they believe that they were being invaded due to how realistic it was

soap operas were for woman that stayed at home

examples: snowhite and the seven dwarfs, Frankenstein, the public enemy

blue muicsian would sing about the hardships of African americans

it didn't get a lot of good support some were upset of some of the project

the long ranger was a show in the radio for more than 20 years and eventually would have a tv show the shadow was a deceptive show that would have a secret message

federal art project and writer project and theatre project helped artists with jobs

another piece of literature that was very popl=ular was the grape of wrath by John sheinback it wa about a family that was affected by the dust bowl. Therefore making them contemplate to move to California from oklahoma