The organisation of living things


Vital functions

Reproduction: enables living things to produce offspring

Interaction: is the ability to sense changes in the enviroment and inside the body

Nutrition: Tranforming food into nutrients

The cell the cell2

The size of living things

Macroscopic things: can see with the naked eye

Microscopic things: (microorganisms) there are so small that we canot see with the naked eye, we need a microscope

Plant cell plant cell

the cellAnimal cell

Nucleus: it contains the material necesary to reproduce the cell

Cell membrane: outer shell and takes part of the interaction function

Cytoplasm: it is a viscous liquid inside the cell

Organelles: manofacturing chemicals and obteining energy

Chloroplast: capture light and produce nutrents

Cell wall: rigid structure surrounds the cell membrane and protect the cell

Nucleus: it contains the material necesary to reproduce the cell

Membrane: separeted the nucleus from the cytoplasm

Unicellular and multicellular organism

Multicellular organism: composed of two or more cells

Unicellular organism: composed of a single cell


Organs : The grouping together of a set of tissues

System : several organs that perform a function

Tissue: a set of cells

Organism : grouping of all these levels

Cells: the first level

Types of cells

Epithelial cells: insulate the body and protect it image

Nerve cell : Transmit information image

Muscle cell: allows muscles to move image

How the body works

Human beings and health: healthy lifestile

Human beings and interaction: Interaction collect informitation from our surroundings and respon to it this systems and organs are involved

Human beings and nutrition: various systems work together to perform nutrition

Respiratory system: takes the oxigen we need from the air and expels carbon dioxide

Circulatory system: carries the blood with oxigen and nutrients alll over the bodie

Digestive system: Converts food into simpler substances

Excretory system: clean the blood of waste products

Have good hygiene habits

Have a good posture

Do enough physical exercise

Spend time with family and friends

Eat a balanced diet

The nervous system:Prepares a appropriate order

Musculoskoletal system: recieves an order and respond with a movrment

Sense organs: capture information of our surroundings