Vasculature of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
Inferior phrenic a.
Middle Suprarenal
Right Renal a.
⭐ Celiac Trunk
⭐ Superior Mesenteric Artery (L1)
Left Renal
Left Gonadal
⭐ Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Branches of the Inferior Vena Cava
Left Gonadal Vein drains into the left renal vein while the Right Gonadal Vein drains directly into the IVC
Left Common Iliac
Right Common Iliac
Left External Iliac
Left Internal Iliac
Median Sacral
Right External Iliac
Right Internal Iliac
Left Gastric Artery
Splenic Artery
Common Hepatic Artery
Inferior Pancreatoduadonel a.
Middle Colic a.
Right Colic a.
Ileocolic a.
Jejunal and ileal aa.
Intestinal aa.
Appendicular a.
Left Colic a.
Sigmoid aa.
Superior rectal a.
Marginal Artery
Deep circumflex Iliac a.
Inferior Epigastric a.
Iliolumbar a.
Lateral Sacral a.
Superior gluteal a.
Inferior gluteal a.
Internal pudendal a.
Uterine a.
Middle Rectal a.
Obturator a.
Umbilical a. (obliterates into medial umbilical ligament)
Superior vesical aa.
Passes between the rami of S1 and the lumboscaral n.
⚠ Right and Left Iliac Branches are the same
Jejunal has few arterial arcades and long vasa recta
Ileal has many arterial arcades and few vasa recta
Inferior Suprarenal
Superior Suprarenal
SMA crosses over the left renal vein, can compress it and cause "nutcracker syndrome" with pain and hematuria
Right renal v. is shorter than the left renal v.
Only one suprarenal v. per side
Portal Systemic Anastomoses
IMV to Splenic V
Splenic Vein to HPV
Gastroduodenal a.
Hepatic a. proper
Right gastric a.
Superior Pancreaticoduodenal a.
R/L Hepatic a.
Along superior border of Pancreas