Ancient Folklore & Health

some examples

Healing Powers of Nature

The Power to Heal

Magical Places

Magical Animals

Magical Drinks:
Alcohol as medicine image Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 12.35.47 PM

Magical Plants botanical folk medicine

moulds (Wainwright, 1989)

Magical Charms and Amulets

Seemingly Magical People

Galen "All who drink of this remedy recover in a short time except those whom it does not help, who all die"

"We call it Aqua Vitae and the name is remarkably suitable since it is really water of immortality. It prolongs life, clears away ill humors, revives the heart and maintains the youth." Araldus de Villonnova (1240-1315)

Hippocrates Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 11.14.39 AM

The four humors (McDaniel and Hammond, 1997b)

wandering womb (Faraone, 2011) Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 11.18.06 AM

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dream therapy and ritual healing (McDaniel and Hammond, 1997a)

Evil eye

Sanatoria beads

offer protection and connect the wearer to the spirit world (Carter, 2007)

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charms protect agents evil eye from others

many cultures believe in evil eye

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Lee Stone (Varner, 2008) Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 11.56.22 AM

remove illness

protect the mind and body

used until 19'th century

Petrified Dear Eye (Varner, 2008)

ward off bad air

Latin America

Coral and fish eyes used in different regions (Varner, 2008)

Copper relieves Arthritis traced to Egyptians (Varner, 2008)

Jade (Varner, 2008)

In India protects from reptile bite

In England protects from evil charms and spells

added to water to preserve freshness (Phillips, 2020)

Greeks used alcohol as medicine (Phillips, 2020)

Improves circulation and digestion (Mrgic, 2017)

Prevalent in almost every culture (Phillips, 2020)

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Holly wells (Perriam, 2015)

Pilgramage (Perriam, 2015)

Shrines and churches (Perriam, 2015)

Reproduction, physical and mental healing (Perriam, 2015)

584 species in Latin America Alvez and Alvez)

Boa constrictor

Portuguese man of war

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Lung disease


Cracked feet

Back ache

+25 other

Bilad al-Sham; Syria, Lebonon, and Jordon (Lev, 2006)

animals, animal products and insects

Desert partridge

strengthens stomach

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Bever testicles

Eye diseases, animal bites and stings, cramp, epilepsy, hysteria.

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some examples

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The doctrine of signatures (Priest & Puma, 1991)

Enduring Greek belief

A plant cures what it looks like

Heart shaped leaves cure heart ailments

Yellow plants cure bile

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the precursor to penicillin