Cinematic: A war between the human race and the race of machines, known as the Machina ("Machs"), has started. The war was caused by confusion: a starship filled with Machs crashed into earth, causing panic and chaos throughout the world. Cybel, the leader of the Machina, sent out a search-and-rescue team for the missing ship, only to find that the survivors were fighting a desperate battle in the centre of a human civilization.
Cinematic: War has turned chaotic and reached its peak tension between the humans and Machinas. The earth was steadily being reduced to rubble by the Machina's overpowering arsenal. The Machs finally gained the upper hand, and eliminated humans from the face of the earth.
Cinematic: On the way to the main starship, Cybel's transporter explodes in a freak asteroid accident. Falling to earth, she hit her head on landing. Her systems went dormant in a small valley named Rynn, badly damaged.
Cinematic: Believing their leader is dead, all Machs shut down and cleared their memory. They drop lifeless, falling to earth. This process is known the "Deletion".
Cinematic: Human villagers hidden underground during the war resurfaced on the other side of the valley. The last hope of mankind had revealed itself.
Act 1: Departure
Cinematic: A young engineer and explorer by the name of Sombra stumbled upon the badly damaged Cybel. Noticing that the machine looked very different from all of the others, she tinkers with her systems out of curiosity.
Cinematic: Managing to fix the piece of alien techology, Cybel roused from her sleep. She couldn't remember anything but her name, and quickly learns the ways of the village. She becomes fast friends with Sombra.
Cinematic - Ordinary World: Cybel joined the village's defense against the constant attacks from mutated machines trying to enter the ravine. Created from remnants of the dormant Machinas, Scraps dotted the lands, and formed a Spartan society. Cybel experienced her first flashback, and remembered a fragment of her past.
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