Circular City Plan
What is your understanding of circular cities?
A circular city is a sustainable city
It decreases waste output and ensures sustainable consumption of finite resources
Regenerative systems
It focuses on reducing, reusing and recycling
Embodies SDG 11, 12, 7,9,13
Promotes a circular economy: reducing the dependence on imported raw materials and shifts the focus more to local produce
A circular city is a transformative locality in terms of its impact on the economy and ecosystem
Waste management
Circular economy
Minimal energy consumption
Focuses on renewable energy
Beneficial to the ecosystem
Sector wise divide
Eliminate waste
A sustainable manner of living
Each building has a source of renewable energy
Energy efficient model = footpaths/bike trails
Focus on renewable energy
Materials of the buildings = sustainable/heat efficient
Improve mobility in the city = decrease general carbon emissions/footprint
Innovative solutions - hydroponics/GMOs/glow in the dark trees/rooftop farming/self powering houses/pod homes/using ideonella sakaiensis
Our research includes scientific reading on a variety of ingenuitive solutions to current resource problems and understanding circular cities from a scientific, economic and behavioural standpoint.
Our vision is to create an economic and environmentally efficient city that functions sustainably, unlike other cities we are not solely making modifications to an existing design but entirely reinventing it. This allows us to innovatively combine sustainable solutions to create a green and circular city.
The entire basis of our city is rooted in science as we are aiming to incorporate science into a technologically efficient city.
Our design is aiming to utilize science by mirroring and incorporating the natural world in the city. (biomimicry/rooftop farming/green city)
Goal: creating a sustainable, transformative and regenerative city that aims to efficiently combat waste by promoting a sustainable lifestyle and circular economy.
Primary and secondary research on sustainable strategies to incorporate in the circular city.
Create a 2D plan and building designs on AutoCad
3D model on Google Sketch up of the layout of the city
Stop motion animation: paper cutouts and models
Using a variety of digital tools we will represent the city and it's sustainable componenets
POD homes (layout created on AutoCad)
City Plan
Sector wise divide - Ring shaped sectors
Sector 1 - Center of the city = Business sector (Red)
Sector 2 - Ring 2 = Suburbs - Rings of housing facilities (Green)
Sector 3 - Ring 3 - Environmental belt = Forest (Purple)
Sector 4 - Ring 4 = Waste Management Plant (Blue)
Possible technological solutions
Solar panels - Solar windows, Photovoltic roads
Scientific Solutions
Bioluminescent trees
Electric public transportation
Plastic - Old water bottles/fish nets/biodegradable plastics
Liquified Biogas powered transportation
Connection of sectors with well-connected tube system
Bullet trains based on biomimicary
Kingfisher + The skinkansen train
Wind energy
Wind turbines based on biomimicry
Whale + Wind turbine
Spider and protective glass for trains (biomimicry)
Butterfly + Solar panels
Green architecture
Rooftop farming
Water harvesting system
Compost - Plastic eating bacteria
Water circulation system
Waste management
Green manure
Underground water circulation system - Transportation of water and waste between sectors
Waste management
Mushroom culture - Harvesting enzymes to degrade waste
Mushroom culture - soil
Aqua culture