Learning depends on an individual preferred learning's style

Choices Types

Choices of Activity

Choices of Response

Work alone or work with partners

Respond in the form of 3D Models

Solve a problem related to the topic

Complete a worksheet

Gather an information from anything we can use, e.g: television program, internet, audio record, and etc

Respond in the form of an audio-recorded news item

Respond in the form of a creative narrative, even for science in some circumstances

Respond in the form of a video diary

Respond in note form, prose, diagrams or pictures.

Produce and deliver short presentation

Individual response or a group response.

Create a dramatic piece for performance


Do teacher should match learning tasks to the supposed needs of each learner or whether each learner should be encouraged to widen their learning strategy horizon?

a learner with a particular multiple intelligence strength should be taught with that strength in mind, to the exclusion of approaches which make demands on other intelligence, or should teaching attempt to engage the less strong areas of intelligence in an attempt to strengthen them?

Appearing Argument

Some would take an extreme position and say that learners with, for example, a kin aesthetic learning propensity should be taught in ways that allow the learner to adopt this style of learning and no other.

a learner with high logical intelligence and low linguistic intelligence should have teaching and learning approaches that are aimed at the verbal / linguistic in order that this particular learner might ‘improve’ in this area.

The reason this of this approach because some particular learners are fails to learn in an effective manners

Possibility that might appear in activity

When there are a discussion and students need to breaks into a group and respond orally to the rest of the class, a proportion of individual children will be advantaged
in terms of their access to the lesson and others disadvantaged

When students approach another on a roundabout of confusion they need to fully aware of the need cater for the wide range of interests, abilities, propensities and
intelligence that will be present in their classrooms.

Result of Nature

Predominant means of response to a task will remain individual and be in a standard written form. Which it will change slowly

Another Possibility

But if learning is to progress in as effective a way as possible, for as many of our young learners as
possible, then choice and variety need to be a part of what is offered to them.

Areas of Interest and Learning Styles Understanding Perception

Knowledge has an impact on the ways of teacher's plan and teach which is also taking account into the difficulties with an approach that gives priority to learning styles teachers need to provide opportunities for all children to work with their preferred style and within the domain of their profile of strengths

Group Member

Azharia Bena

Jhon Willis

Julian Jeriko

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