Sep 1st-International Organizations

Global Innovation Index

India has moved up

rank 48th in GII 2020

GII co-published by

World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

Cornell University

INSEAD business school

India Innovation Index

According to GII 2020


world most innovative economy

followed by

Sweden, US, UK, NED

Released by

NITI Aayog with

Institute for competitiveness


for continual evaluation

of the Innovation environment

World Solar Technology Summit

WSTS organised by

International Solar Alliance (ISA)


showcase next-generation

solar technologies

to member countries

partnership agreement

on "One Sun One World One Grid"

signed and exchanged btw

MNRE, World Bank, ISA

Levels & Trends in Child Mortality Report

under five mortality rate

estimates released by


UN department of economic and social affairs

world bank group

1000 live births declined to 34 in 2019

from 126 in 1990


down to 5.2 million

from 12.5 million in 1990

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Shanghai Five

inducted Uzbekistan

into the group

named it SCO


conflict resoultion

Helped Central Asian countries

to resolve boundary disputes

two permanent bodies

SCO sectretariat

based in Beijing

Executive Committee

Regional Anti Terrorist Structure (RATS)

based in Tashkent, UZB

SCO has four observer states

Afghanistan, Iran, Belarus and Mongolia


co-op of members states

against three evils

terrorism, separatism and extremism

Head of RATS

elected to 3 year term

each member state

sends permanent representative to RATS

8 member states