1: Petrification has two types: Replacement and Permineralization. Both result in organic material turning into stone or a similar substance. Replacement is when water dissolves the original solid material and replaces it with mineral matter.
Permineralization is when groundwater carries dissolved minerals into the cavities of the bone, wood or shell, the original material is preserved rather than replaced.
2: Mold: When an organism dies and the cavity it has left behind does not fill with minerals
Cast: When an organism dies and the does cavity fills with minerals.
3: Carbonization: When all the parts of the plant or animals decay expect for carbon. The carbon leaves a carbon film of the sedimentary rock.
4: Fossil resin: When resin is excreted from some plants as a defense system to capture bugs. The resin then hardens with the bug inside it. This preserves the bugs DNA.
5: Tar: An animal can fall into a pit of tar and it's whole body will be preserved.
Ice: Another way of trapping and preserving whole bodies is ice. Mammoths have been found with frozen in huge chunks of ice with their skin, hair and even organs still intact.
6: Trace Fossils: Traces of animals. Footprints, tracts, burrows, and Feces are all examples. This evidence is indirect and doesn't show the whole animal.