Exercise-related physical activities (A. C. B. A. H. G.) Arthur Cuts Bug (K)near Huge Germ.
Bone fracture
ACL tear
Hamstring Strain
Ankle sprain
Groin Strain
Causes: Abnormal twisting of foot
Ligament (tough fibers that hold joints together) tears, typical on outside
Symptom: Intense joint pain, swelling
Solution: Elevate foot, ice foot, stay off foot
Cause: Sudden impact to head; acceleration/deceleration but no impact
Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, disorientation, nausea
Damage: Disrupts brain cell activity near impact area
Cause: Force or impact on bone (player hits you, fall awkwardly)
Symptom: Crack or break bone, compound fracture (bone exits skin)
Bones heal after fracture
Fingers, toes: Doctors say, put in splint; don't use as much
Arms, legs, torso: Doctors say, get cast
Anterior cruciate ligament: one of four major knee ligaments
Causes: When pivot to turn, land from jump
Symptoms: Pain, swelling, instability in knee joint
Hamstring: group of muscles back of thigh
Causes: Sprinting, large velocity movements
Symptoms: sharp pain while exercise, can't contract or extend leg, swelling and bruising of upper leg
Tear in adductors (muscles in inner thigh)
Causes: Overstretch muscle
Symptom: Limited range of motion, pain, swelling, brusing
Guidelines prevent injuries during physical activity
Proper Fitness
Fitness level matches activities
Sport will not get you in shape
Cross-train with different activities
Follow Rules
Rules keep everyone on same page
Help protect participants
Follow instruction of coaches
Never purposefully attempt to injure another player or official
Protective Equipment
Wear properly
Use in practice and games
Keeps activities safe
Encourage others
Prevents overuse, fatigue, injuries
Muscles rest
Muscles less likely to be injured
Joints warned up through stretch
Keep muscles and joints loose
Listen to Body
1. Dangerous movements leading to injury. ⚠ (O. S. T. J. L. I. O. I.) Octopus Steals Toes Just Like Insects Open Igloos.
Risky movements
Incorrect technique
Strains, ligament and tendon damage
Common in swimming or racquet sports that repeat movemtsn
Often noticed pain appears
Easily go undetected
Increased intensity
Muscle fiber breakdown, released toxins
Push body too far vigorous exercise
Improper equipment
Inflammation, tissue damage, muscle straign
Caused by repetitive motions
Bone fractures, concussions
Kick soccer ball, hit ball with bat (injure wrist)
Contact sports
Jumping and landing
Ligaments and tendon damage (knees, hips)
Strain and stress on joints
Popular sports
Stopping and twisting
Ligament and tendon damage.
Stress and strain on joints from sudden movements
Fast-paced sports