Chapter 3 : The Marketing Environment

Consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to build and maintain successful relationship with customers.

The Company's Microenviroment

Consists of the actors close to the company that affects its ability to service its customers

The Company comppany






Top management

Suppliers suppliers

Marketing managers must watch supply availability.

Marketing managers also mmonitor the price trends.

provide the resources needed by the company to produce.

Marketing Intermediaries

Help the company to promote, sell and distribute its products to final buyers.


Marketing services agencies

Financial Intermediaries

Customers customers

Business markets

Buy goods/ services for further processing or for use in their production process

Resellers markets

Buy goods /services to resell at a profit

Government markets

Made up government agencies that buy goods / services to produce public services.


Buyers in other countries, including consumers,producers, resellers, and goverments.

Publics public

Financial publics

Consumers markets

Individuals/households that buy goods and services for personal consumption

influence the companys ability to obtain funds.


Managements must take goverments developments into accounts.


The general publics image of the company affects its buying


Carry news , features and editorial opinions.


Neighborhood residents and community organization


Workers, managers, volunteers and the board of directors.

The Comapany's Macroenvironment

Consists of larger societal forces that affects the microenvironments

Demographic demograpic

The study of human populations in terms of size density, location, age, gender, race.occupation and other statistics.

Changing age structure of populations

Increasing diversity

Better- educated,more white-collar, more professional population.

Geographic shifts in population

Changing household patterns

Economic Environment economy

Changes in income

Upper -class

whose spending patterns are not affected by current economic


somewhat careful about its spending but can still afford the good life some of the time

Working class

must stick close to the basics of food, clothing and shelter/ must try hard to save.

under class

must count their pennies when making even the most basic purchases.

Changing consumer spending patterns

The affordable bento lunch box proved to be a hit during the global recession

Natural Environments natural

involves the natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities.

shortages of raw materials

Increased governmental intervention

Increased pollution

Technological Environment tecnological

The most dramatic force in changing the marketplace.

new markets and opportunities

safely of new, complex products and technology

Higher research costs

Longer times between ideas and product introduction

Political poli

Law government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various organisations and individuals in a given society

Legal legal

To protect companies from unfair competiton

To protect consumers from unfair business practices

To protect the interests of society from unbridled business behaviour

Cultural culturall

Consists of institutions and othe forces that affect a society's basic values, perceptions and behaviours.

shifts in secondary cultural /values

views of themselves

views of organizations

views of society

views of nature

views of the unverse

Persistense of cultural values


belief and values are more open to change.


Beliefs and values persist because they are passed on from parents to children and are reinforced by school ,churches, business and governments.