Alright, so, Zitkala-Sa and Occom and the Cherokee Memorial Writers are all apart of something bigger: Religions. Yeah, not all the same religions, but religions all the same. (Haha, get it?) The second quote in the pair is about Zitkala-Sa's relationship with her religion, being a Pagan, and she tells the audience why, through anecdotes. Although it is not the same as Christianity, the religion and finding something they are comfortable and sit well with is a common link between Occum and Zitkala-Sa as well as the claim in the Cherokee Memorials about willingly submitting their cause to it.The first quote in the pair is after her second win in the orator contest she entered in school. This is where she learned and desired to learn, even though we know she wasn't all that happy at school all the time, we know this is her experience as she learns, just as we know how Occum learned to "discover a way of salvation through Jesus Christ". They are both learning for their own reasons and beliefs, though they may be slightly different, they link in specific ways.